Sunday, January 2, 2011

The TRUTH About Gloves!

 Heya Jammers!
This is a very strange topic, but you know how a while ago they had gloves in Jamaa? Wait, what am I saying, OF COURSE you know!
They came in a variety of colours, and now they are GONE from Jamaa, just like a lot of other clothing items you could've gotten...but for some reason, everyone is WILD about gloves. Don't ask ME why, I don't have one, don't want one, and don't need one!
So, a lot of jammers really really want them! They have now became this super ultra rare and special item in AJ. Everyone is trying to trade items for just a plain old glove in jam-a-grams.

But...the TRUTH about gloves...
It is NOT worth trading with someone for a glove. I have a friend who traded their police hat, and another item that they really liked with someone who offered them a glove in return. So, she went first, and sent her items. Great! She got a gift back from the animal she was trading with! And then, she opened it. It was a necklace. One of those plain necklaces worth 45 gems you can still buy today.

So, unless you have objects you are DYING to get rid of, and you really don't care what happens, I say, either have a glove YOU bought, or don't have one at all. The choice is yours, but, personally I don't think it's right to have a 60 % chance of being totally scammed. So basically, just remember to always be careful, and remember you can always report players if this happens, or add them to your ignore list. If you don't know how, I recommend voting 'game guide' on the poll unless it is already gone. It looks like it's winning by a landslide anyways. Also, scroll down for my new glitch post!
Be cautious, and Happy Jamming!


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General Scaryruler said...

Ugh, that is horrible! I feel really bad for your friend. I tottaly agree about the glove thing though, why does everyone make such a big deal about gloves? Thanks for posting Fuzzy Shyivy!

FunPinkyPinky said...

Wasn't Roxy the friend that got scammed? i felt so sorry! but her scammer added me and i led her to the scammer and she got her police hat and fox hat back!!! im just glad she got her items back and i dont suggest "trading" to anyone

Anonymous said...

Yup that was me and it was a fox hat and a police hat. Well i got them back but heres a tip. Never EVER trade with BourgeoIsReanna she also scammed my friend spiritmoon for a pink fox hat AND my friend mik for her hood BUT mik got it back So NEVER EVER trade with BourgeoIsReanna for your own safety

Funwow,AJR Mod said...

true,but I never lie

Woodswolf said...

@ Fuzzy Shyivy
The reason people want gloves is because then they can complete the 'winter' outfit:
So thus, gloves are in high demand by most people on both sides: member and non member.
THAT is why people want gloves.
Hope this helps!
- Woodswolf

Dragonrose&others said...

Yeah I know,Someone said "come to my den if you want to trade for bat wings!" and I went because I needed an extra pair for a Christmas present for one of my buddies. And I said "will you trade your bat wings for a glove?" and he said "yes". But he wanted to make sure that I would send him the glove and not something else. so I sent him the glove and guess what he sent me? angle wings! And I not even a member! That's not fair!

FuzzyShyIvy said...


I don't think so. I see everyone wearing gloves and they don't even care about the other winter stuff usually.

Snowflake ShyPaw said...

I have a glove on my other account (BerryFoot) but on my main account I don't. If anyone is going to send me a glove I'm going to make them send it to me first. Just a few minutes ago, someone tried to scam me too! I said "Will trade Blue Butterfly Wings for Glove!" they said Okay send items! I said can you show me the glove first? He said Oh I lost it. I said KTHNXBAI! But seriously...I don't see the point in the glove really. I mean I still have it on my account that I joined with first.

Woodswolf said...

@ Fuzzy ShyIvy
Ask anyone who wants a glove why they want it. That is the answer you will get.
- Woodswolf

Dragonrose&others said...

Hey guys/girls! There's a new code! it's danceparty! (I'm pretty sure)enjoy!

FuzzyShyIvy said...


I still don't think so.


I'll test it out. Thanks a bunch!

Anonymous said...

Fuzzy shyivy, i got scammed before too! JUST AN BIG LIAR SCAM!
So it happened today when i said to the wolf:ill give u all my clothes 4 da glove, then i gave her all my clothes, then she left in an rush and now i hate her. :(

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

well to let u know my name is wowanlove64:daredevil daringbeast and if u wanna see me ill b in jamma and b on today!

Anonymous said...

So after dat i scammed my wife and got another wife on aj

Anonymous said...

I do not like scams!

Key99 said...

Well i don't even like GLOVES.

FuzzyShyIvy said...


Eh hem, you're making me sound bad, and I did not get scammed, my friend did, and everyone has opinions and no opinions are 'wrong.'

FuzzyShyIvy said...


You can contact the AJ HQ by sending them an e-mail explaining what happened at

Anonymous said...

someone scammed me. they said THEY HAD 3 GLOVES ,so i believed them.she said u go first and i did.i gave her my pink tiara and my bat glasses .when i sent them, SHE WAS GONE!! thats y im careful now that they don't scam me.

Eternal said...

Hi,Eternal here! I was looking around AJ and I saw the whole glove thing. I was gonna start a clan but everyone wanted to trade for gloves instead! And blueletket thanks for the info and proper trading advice it helps!My brother got scammed and then got scammed again!So I unfortionatly I am look for a glove. But I hope I find one my bro is soooo mad about it.Your friend(not yet anyways,Eternal Snowstar

Anonymous said...

Lol sorry Shy Ivy if you thought I was being rude... I;m not really in a good mood lately (boys at school)....
Um, could you please delete that comment by 'Anonymous' about me? Because I have actually never traded for a glove! I was asking for items and someone sent me one...
So please remove that comment! I was actually really hurt that someone lied about me like that and I'm surprised you approved it!
You do not have to approve this comment BUT please delee the comment I told you about@

FuzzyShyIvy said...


I'm sorry but I do not know what comment you are talking about.

FuzzyShyIvy said...

Oh wait. That one. GONE! :)

Anonymous said...

I had a fox hat and ome guy said I could get batwing, and a glove. I couldn't beliv my luck! My best friend wants a glove and her b-day is soon,and bat wing are so cool! (non-member) So I gave him my fox hat (we traded at the same time) but he gave me a necklace and MEMBER batwings! I got scammed! And I loved my white fox hat!

Anonymous said...

look, i don't like gloves because i just turned 8

Anonymous said...

I got Scammed too!!! It sucked Because i was scammed out of my blue tie, my two of my fave hats and a glove.Scammers Are So Mean!

Anonymous said...

I was scammed out of one of my fave hats by a girl named "SuperWoman" so don't trade with her if she asks to trade.

Anonymous said...

The gloves are comingback, ill get one, but i wont go MAD!!

Anonymous said...

I love the glove and have been scammed twice trying to get it. I want the glove so bad. Im not crazy about the gloves but i cant wait to get it.

Anonymous said...

NEVER EVER trade with kallie she is a sacmer oh and the only way not to get sacmed is to go frist

Anonymous said...

well im wishing that gloves will come out soon but i hear that there coming in march which id next month!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I know Kallie! I think I was scammed by her before!For my nonmember big horn hat!!!!!

Cute Cockapoos said...

I got scammed by someone once. They wanted my fox hat, and I had two in different colors. They said they'd give me a glove. When I gave it to them, they logged off. But I had their username. And it was one of the first words in an email to the HQ. SO DON'T SCAM ME OR THAT'S WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN! Today someone asked if they could have my tie, and they'd trade their fox hat. I said maybe, and they said, "You go first." So I refused.

Anonymous said...

I got scammed! Here's the there was this guy his username is anmie12 and he said he would give me his fox hat for my elf hat and I went first and gave him my elf hat.then I got the letter but it was an old hood that you could buy at the mont shiveer store! I was so mad but then he ran away and the elf hat was rare!

Anonymous said...

whoever wuz sacmed by kallie give me your user i will get it back no joke

Anonymous said...

the same thing happened to me heres the story,i was told he would give me his glove for three of my iteams, but after i sent them i asked him for the glove and he told me NO and i will never ever send mine first and i dont remember his user name

Anonymous said...

I got scammed one time......They told me they would trade me a fox hat a cat hat and a glove for my christmas suit and i agreed i should have known!!!I tryed to get thier username but they left. Later I sam them in the Jamma town center and reported them...Yay for me!

shruti said...

i got codes!!!!
p.s.type them exactly like i have

Anonymous said...

I actually think gloves may be weird, i mean they are only on one paw and they look like boxing gloves on koalas, wassup with that? They are kind of cool. They give you that whole 'tough girl' (or boy) look. Here
s how to keep from scamming: Never EVER EVER send first. If they don't agree just don't send it's not worth it. Hope this helps!
-SacredGrove aka Fauna Rainymoon

Anonymous said...

Fuzzy, I got scammed one time out of my WHITE glove! I was super mad! I want AJ to band all scammers! I want to have peace for jamaa! I can't do it with all the scammers! I try my best to helpmy friends who got scammed It's hard to make peace in jamaa! But you know what fuzzy? I am going to find away ti have peace for jamaa! I am gonna stop all the scammers from scamming! I will do it... somehow...someway..

Anonymous said...

hey guys!
i know people are completely CRAZY about those gloves... i guess i am to... but anyway my name is-
and my wolv's name is sir frozenclaws

SacredGrove said...

Also, you can trade codes for gloves! Mostly everyone has codes now. I never scam, it's not fun. Also, you could get banned from it. It makes you feel guilty to scam (I am the anonymous who said gloves look kinda weird).
Also, like Fuzzy said, just don't trade it's not worth it. Here's the trick: stock up on store items and soon they'll go rare! Then you'll have a bunch of stuff to trade with. Also, don't trade first no matter how desperate you are, because chances are, if you trade first, it's going to be likely that you'll be even more desperate after you sent.
Gloves are also coming back next update! I can feel it!
Hope this helps! Thanks for listening! ;).

Anonymous said...

i hope gloves are coming back soon and non member bat wings too!

Anonymous said...

Ive been scammed a bunch of times and trust me, it dosnt feel nice! I have all the gloves and they are still not in stores. People make such a big deal over gloves but I just have them so people can trade me rare items for them. So yah, be carful!

Anonymous said...

its like gloves are the ones that started scamming

Anonymous said...

I don't agree i really want a glove really really bad!!!

Anonymous said...

gloves can be really bad i was scammed 4 times already the first time i had i glove it was the worst time of my life on A.J.!! she said that she would give me a different color if she gave me mine.i gave mine to her. when she got it she left. i chased her all around town trying to get it back saying, " its not fair give it back!"she kept saying no. finally she un-friended me and kept the glove. i wish i did not do that trade

Kayla1 said...

At Halloween some of the rare item's will be back, like Nonmember Bat wings,Nonmember Big Skull hat, The Nonmember Frankenstein Masks, Nonmember Torn Blankets,Nonmember Ties,Nonmember cat hats,Member Eye Masks,Member swamp monster masks,Member Vampire Masks,Member Werewolf masks and a few other things I cant remember.So If you want any of these items you should wait until Halloween To buy them instead of risking A trade. I hope this list helped. -Kayla1

Anonymous said...

Ive givin my legendary glove for someone befroe trading existed and they didnt trade me back there glove!!! i hate scammers!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i think that is good you are doing!

Anonymous said...

fuzzyshyivy plz u can be back on ur acount just press forgot password and then enter ur or ur parents email adress and then u get an email and then change ur password

General Vonwolf said...

I was once scammed for a blue glove. The person said they would give me a claw machine for it, but then they did a trade that was unfair. They said they wouldn't give me the claw unless I accepted that trade. Then I finally did, but then they left. Then I was really angry at first, but then, I thought I could buy another. (this happened on November 30th) I noticed I didn't have enough gems, so I just decided to wait until tomorrow. Then the next day, it couldn't be bought! I was so angry! Then I had to go on a 3 month journey to get another one!

Anonymous said...

ok i do not agree with you i have a glove and i need a glove mine is white

Anonymous said...

gosh, as the time goes by.... more scammers....


Anonymous said...

Now there's a safe way to trade! I got 2 gloves but people just don't understand that it is rare. People trade me things like a lei which I can buy from the shop.

Anonymous said...

gloves are weird and... theyre just for your hands !!!!

Anonymous said...

I got scammed before.... With my lava glove!! I had a lava glove and this girl said she would trade me a blue heart locket and a pink and white lava glove for it so I said ok. Then she told me to send my lava glove so I did and then I asked her " do u even have a lava glove?" but she left so I got a jam-a-gram in the mail and I got all excited that it was gonna be a locket and a lava glove but when I opened it it was a headdress!! You can buy those at the jam- mart clothing anywhere!!

Anonymous said...

there is a new way of scamming the "scammer" make u click on an item randomly placed in their house\den and while u r clicking on it the "scammer" clicks on your trade list WITH A RARE ON IT and the pillow or item is in the exact same spot as the YES button on the trade so when u r clicking the pillow the "scammer" ask u 2 trade a cheapo little piece of junky non member something and gets your rare i lost my glove worn and heart locket in well from a scammer and i am sad they were hard 2 get.:(

cherokee2000 on aj said...

PEOPLE THE ONLY WAY NOT TO GET SCAMMED IN TRADING IS TO: Never ever send trade,always go second in send trade,and if you get scammed get their user and report them for scamming and email AJ HQ. I feel sorry for all you people that got scammed.

- Cherokee2000

Anonymous said...

There is a new ''trading system'' which no one can scam on. (Maybe true) and I been scammed on the trading system somebody told me they will give meh a spider mask and I gave them my bat mask and they just gave me a plushy. Not a rare plushy just an orginal little plushy. And when I saw that I was like ''OMG They scammed me NOO!-One of your fans:Trooper26

happy glampet said...

i love gloves i mean a LOT so i always say trade me gloves but after read that store i dont think that im going to do that eny more but the qusten i still have is how do the other jammer get them and where they traded them?

nick said...

i got a glove but i will give it to someone later because i will buy the gold glove (members only) with 4000 gems so when i get the gold glove i will give it to someone add me if you want it my username is:fnickr add me and tell me i want the glove but when i get the gg (gold glove) and good srtory fuzzy

°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,Snowburn°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸ said...

If anyone wants a glove please add snowburn and i will work out a trade

Anonymous said...

well thanks for telling me, I go on Animal Jam like... EVERY DAY so this is some good information to know because I trade, send gifts,and get sifts so this is good to know because I HATE getting scammed one person tryed to scam me and take ALL of my things, and he said he would give an item back, and I know he was going to scam me because to test and see if he was going to scam me I sent something I didn't care about and he didn't give me anything back so I asked him why he didn't and he said "because i didn't feel like it weirdo" he was mean. thanks for the idvise though and i have a purple glove that i like and got for trade for those old brown necklaces which was a good deal but still what you said before is also good :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the advise. Sorry about your friend but some people out there don't know what they're doing and just go for it to be mean and evil. I am so sorry about that I feel ya because that has happend to me and my friend.

VampiresVsNinjasFussbudget said...

Whoa, I know this is REALLY late, considering you posted in 2011, and I'm posting this in...2012...awkward...but anyway, I just got two gloves! Two! They've been coming out for rare days(AKA, mondays) I have a yellow one, and a white one! So kewl!
~ Finn Spiritmoon (My name is Infinity Spiritmoon, so I thought: "hey, inFINity, it has a ring to it, so my name is now Finn, at least that's my nickname! Ugh, Babbling again! So sorry! XD

Anonymous said...

From IvySnow,

Once I got half scammed... I had just got a glove that I was really proud of, and I was trying to trade for a different color and this person sent a trade with 4 plushies. I said No really quik, but they did it a agian as soon as a said no, then again! It was so fast that I accidently clicked yes and ok... I was so sad. I neer even got thier username!

singingsuperstar said...

Omigosh. I got a legenary and a mummy glove, and am a non-member in a jam-a-gram! I want to send it to my buddy, singingsuperstar but have absotutely no idea hwo to! Please help!!!

singingsuperstar said...

i got some gloves in the mail and want to send them to my friend and don;t know how to i am a non-member! Help plz!

clover2011 said...

I can so relate to that fuzzy shyivy
thx for posting!

Flora ShyWolf said...

@ Fuzzy shyivy
I got scamed twice... the first time when I said please send or trade me a spike collar!! Someone said OK... I was SO excited!! But all it was, was a Jam-a-gram that said Lets be buddies! Later on we crossed paths and I said she only sent me a lets be buddies jam-a-gram... then she said yes I did!! So she kept saying that... then I tricked her and knew she had no spike collar!! One time I said trade me a worn a rare worn!! Someone said hers was rare... I traded her and it turned out it was useless......

Anonymous said...

i argee

Anonymous said...

OMG, I traded my purple glove for a plant, friend me on AJ, my user is HarryPotter11327, when I meet you, please say Glove or I will think you're not from here. :) Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Dude, one time, I got tricked into sending first, for a santa hat. Then, the person left. A couple minutes later, the person came back WEARING the santa hat. I said, "Hey, you scammed me!" And Shes like no i didnt. Then I got super mad+sad. D:

Friend me Fuzzy! My user is jiko089

Anonymous said...

i was scammed by kallie annoymous, my user is hoppytop she scammed me outta my pink bow and arrow and gave me this sooo ugly one! i hate her because it was a jamailiday gift! but so nobody sees my scammed bow and arrow she wears it in private and keeps it off her trade list so nobody knows. besides too bad i'm not a member anymore it expired 3 weeks ago when i was able to accept sent items.

Boxy1 said...

Wow ihope i don't get scamed. And now i don't want a glove anymore, just the cat hat. -Boxy1

Tortiesrock said...

Whts so good about gloves anyways I once traded my bow & Arrow 4 knee pads

I totally regret it !!!!!!!!!!!$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Omg I shouldn't have did tht trade

fluffytaco523 said...

*sigh* Thts wat happened to my nm bat wings on my b-day 2 years ago..
They said they would give me nm freedom wings but all I got was a dumb plushie (tht wasnt even rare, and I had already!) :(
Ur friend..

fluffytaco523 said...

I have a glove... but the only reason I wear it is cuz it's rare... -.- I REALLY dont understand y ppl r in LOVE with gloves!
Ur friend....

JelzieNC Blossom Icymoon said...

I have never been scammed, but then again, there is a trade system now. I think there should be a group of people dedicated to removing and detecting scammers.
I think I know why people want gloves. This is the reason I wanted one: I thought they looked cool before I even knew they were a rare and that the people who had them normally dressed with colors that go together.
I used to have a blue glove but I traded with another person for three different colored heart lockets.
-JelzieNC aka Blossom Icymoon (I think... otherwise it is Blossom Spiritwolf)

WolfQuest Fan said...

I have 6 gloves. ^.^ I also have two dragon gloves, a worn, spike collar, and 44 other rares... :) I can't name them all! :P Don't believe me? Look at my Player Card. My username is:


(Don't ask to have any of my rares).

WolfQuest Fan said...

Weird today I saw a few jammers all same clothes and same patterns- DIFFERENT COLOR.
All they did was dance and hop saying:

Screamz SCREAMZ screamz SCREAMZ screamz SCREAMZ

They said it 10 more times tho...
But I joined in. :)

WolfQuest Fan said...

Once I got scammed and lost my green worn blanket. D:

Anonymous said...

Im just wondering so gloves dont matter i can basicily just trade my gold well it was 4000 gems but still its YELLOW not gold really so they dont matter


Autmnbunnyxo said...

I had a really nice blue glove that matched my blue fox hat... I accidentaly traded it! I was trying to do a glitch and some person tried to trade me my glove for their green headdress and i clicked accept! (at least i got a headdress)So I'm mad at myself for that... I want it back! I have been TRYING and TRYING to trade someone for a blue or black glove! Anyone wanna trade or send me a glove....?
P.S. Roxy, I'm so sorry you got scammed... so not fun! At least we don't trade with Jam-A-Grams anymore!

Anonymous said...

Hi, It's me faith pie Years ago I had a glove one of my friends wanted it we traded for it and I got over 20 rares But no glove!!! I soo mad i reported her for scamming and through i though she had a member glove!She didn't! But i did get torn shirts and fox hats i wasn't happy! Would you be happy about that???? Please Chat back with me ok? Signed faith pie

Mighty Toughmaster said...

People are still crazy over gloves, even though they aren't that rare anymore. Random people walk up to me and pester me for my red glove. It gets really annoying.
I also once got scammed while trying to get a red glove. My so called "friend" said if I traded her my white glove she would get me a red one, so I did. A year later, and she hasn't come back. But, at least I have a red glove now!

Anonymous said...

Well I also got scammed... by FUZZY78300 she scammed my orange collar and dual swords... And lodeddip Hacked my worn... so ya i know how your friend feels.

Commander Bravewolf said...

My friends were scamming ppl all over so i had 2 keep following them and telliung ppl its a scam an dthen they quite trying 2 scam ppl

Anonymous said...

i got scammed 2!!! it was for my worn blanket which was really rare!!! this guy (who scammed me) said he could make bat wings, (he had tons of them and tons of worns!!fromscamming probably) so he said trade my worn (pink) for a necklace! i did (flash trading) he said wait longer... so i did and then... he accepted!!! DX :( then for real i was shivering waaaaaaaa

A person said...

I got scammed once. Somebody said "I'll trade through Jam-A-Grams" And this was when I was half noob. I said sure and he said send me your glove first. And I'm like ok and then he left. I remebered his user and he was an ocean animal. I found him in Kani Cove. I said give me back my glove. And he said ok and sent me a mummy glove which were in stores then. He said I sent you a rarer glove. I said I want MY glove back. He finally sent it and I sent back mummy glove. So Jammers never ever ever EVER trust member people who tell you to trade in Jam-A-Grams.

kookiemonstergurl said...

when i got my very first glove, it was a black one, some other guy told me he was bored and wanted to switch gloves. (this was before the safe trading system) so i sent him mine, and the little scammer got away with his and MY glove, and i never got his username..... :( but now i have at least 6 gloves, and i know better now. i will NEVER do that again! :)(btw Fuzzy, pls add me as a buddy on AJ. my username is (no caps) kookiemonstergurl. thnks! :D )

Anonymous said...

wait I dont knowq if you can scam any more because animal jam made it so that you can see the item that you are trading for at the time befor the trade so I dont think that it is possible to get scammed in a trade any more

Mutant Frillybunny said...

No, it is not possible to have scammed trades any more because of the new safe trading system where you have a picture of what you want, and what you are trading for it, unless you are trading with Jam-a-Gram, which would be really stupid. Also, can someone explain to me why is it that sometimes,randomly, I say Uh-Oh! Remember the Animal Jam Rules! even when I didn't type it? Does it have something to do with trading? Because I had been traded by someone for my fireplace when I said that inadvertantly and twice!

koolwatever said...

why did she send it? she should of TRADED IT

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone i also don't get what is the deal with the non member gloves I don't care about them anyway the member gloves just look much cooler to me and if you see my trying to get a glove it is because one of my friends got scammed even with the scamming proof trade thing. She was doing a trick someone told her to click some thing in her den and opened her trade list and clicked the glove and traded it for something that you can buy ( a necklace ). She saw her glove was not on so she thought that she had put it away some time so she was going to put it on and then she saw no glove so she came to me and said please help me get a glove because I sometimes run around jamaa saying that i don't like scamming and that no one should be scammed and if they do I will do my best to help them. That is why I am looking for a glove. P.S. I cherish my gold glove!!!!!!!!! I don't know what it is I just see it and just say to myself no one will ever get my glove for anything!!!!!! but anyway if you get scammed come to me and I will try my best to help you my username is dragonrider12319 just how I spelled it. there is no bad in me and i fell very sorry for anyone who gets scammed. I got scammed once, someone wanted to borrow a rare I had so I let her then I told her I had to go please give me back my rare and she said okay so i traded what we had done before but she said no and i said but that is what we did before and she said I only trade for bow and arrows and I said that is not fare and she said I don't care trade me your bow and arrow and you get your rare back i said no it spent me a year trying to get a bow and arrow! so she said fine I will give you it back if you trade another rare for it. I lost one of my favorite things for it. :( I was so sad when I looked back on what it was and my heart felt like a very sharp rock that felt like 1,000,000 pounds. I reported her like 1,000 times later I always run!!!!!!!!!!! when she is online. I asked my mom how can there be mean people like that in the world? she said I don't know and the only way to stop this stuff is to help people who have had this stuff happened to them to. so that is why I will always help people who have been scammed. everyone here is some good advice- always do good when you have been bullied, never bully your self. that means NEVER bully other people. Hope I can help you guys!

lineyluv said...

Well, now 101.
Hi Fuzzy, my username is lineyluv and have you heard of Sheesh4's blog? I just started reading your blog and I love it, could you check out mine if you have the time? It's on my Blogger profile and it's called Animal Jam Jungle. Love your blog!!! xD

Enchanted articmoon said...

You can get gloves in the claw machine in the trading party please I am not kidding I got a black glove from there!!! XD

Anonymous said...

i have never got scammed out of a glove i have a black one and the get glove from party is true i got a black one, if you ever want to try to get it add me pokemonrocks59176

Anonymous said...

i have 3 gloves(black,purple and blue)and i totally disagree with this post i <3 gloves!wait 1 sec muscle spazum in my leg... Okay good now but i got scammed for my purple glove i was not fun at all the girl said she would trade me nm bat wings and then she said accept wht ever i trade you and then i will give you the wings for something stupid like a taria and guess what SHE DIDNT GIVE IT TO ME. i was so sad :( but eventually i got another purple glove.i remeber her user name but it says that there is no such thing of this jammer her user is prettyberks6 and im positive.

P.S if you have a white or red fox hat and want a pink one buddy me then trade me for it.

Pastel said...

I have A glove. But ppl say 'Trade me! I have rares!' Then I think, are they just gonna scam me? I kept my glove :) Never gonna send it away! NEVER XD

Anonymous said...

I have A glove. But ppl say 'Trade me! I have rares!' Then I think, are they just gonna scam me? I kept my glove :) Never gonna send it away! NEVER XD

Anonymous said...

Never ever trade with elvengirl67!!!! She scammed ne and i post my purple glove, and my white glove!!!!

Anonymous said...

Never ever trade with elvengirl67!!! She scammed me and I lost my purple glove and my white glove!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi, thanks for posting Fuzzy! If your friend wants a glove still, I can definitely do something about that. -rocksmithis-

Anonymous said...

And along with that, I am willing to trade nearly anything I own for a mummy glove or legendary glove. Thank you if you manage to get a hold of me. My username is rocksmithis, but I have been suspended for no apparent reason. Maybe the HQ got mixed up. Anyway, I will be on tomorrow and will gladly trade. A headdress, feast table, white glove and rare wizard hat for a legendary.

Anonymous said...

And by the way, other jammers, I learned some ways to figure out who was a scammer. It's easy, if they act kind of weird, DON'T send them ANYTHING! If you know them and all, they're your friends from school or something, then it's probably alright. If they DO scam you, when you see them in class ask then for your item back. If they say no, then tell them you'll report you if they don't. And if you're scammed by some person that's your friend on there but you don't know them, follow them and say, " Can I please have my (insert item name) back?" you have a 78 percent chance that you will get it back. If you don't report and block. Let them be mean if they want to, they'll get in trouble, not you. -rocksmithis-

Anonymous said...

And for all those members out there who want a legendary glove, I have convinced the HQ to hide them somewhere THIS MONTH! All YOU need to do is find them! And remember, play safe!

pippiflowergirl11 said...

I am very sorry for anyone who has ever been scammed,and so it has inspired me to do somthing very useful to help win the rageing battle against scammers so all i can say is check out my blog.:D

Lovegoodluvr said...

Scammers and hackers are mean tht don't understand the meaning of caring they r stone hearted no offense but they seem not to care about why they do I got hacked and scammed and it was not fun I had to make a new account and the hacker hacked my email and mailed Ppl cuss words and I got in trouble they even sent one to AJ hq and iw as all like OMG I'm gonna die I feel SRRY for all the ppl fr got hacked like me we should start like a anti hacking scamming act in jamaa protest about hacking an stuff....... Anyways gr8 job with UR blog fuzzy!

Ps u can search me in Myoldlifewasbetter :D
Pps look it's a unicorn eating a carrot <:3<|# lol yummy!

Lovegoodluvr said...

Gloves are a obsession among most Jammers

-lovegoodluvr my new phrase is I karate chop clowns because thts how I roll lol

Anonymous said...

I got scammed also! I wanted to trade for a white fox hat and the girl was a member so I SENT my white glove and guess what? SHE LEFT! i was her buddy so I FOLLOWED het to another person's den. She hid behind a tree and I COULDN'T FIND her then she just logged. off! I WAS SO SUPER MAD!

Anonymous said...

Ugh I don't have a glove either and I don't want one either. And I've got better rares so I don't get why everyone wants them. I have bow and arrows, isn't tht better?

Anonymous said...

The same thing happened too me really luckily this person felt bad for me when i asked if they had a glove they asked why i told them whole story now i have green! I'm sooo thankful!
animal jam fan-linkiris

Anonymous said...

Why would anyone want to scam anyways? It's just a stupid GAME ,not like it matters. People who commit bad things should be ashamed of themselves.

Anonymous said...

Hi Fuzzy!,

My black bow and arrow got scammed by a user named Alexjessicajacklyn. She wanted to know what the black bow looked like on her bunny, but I refused, and she kept on begging. I tried to show her what it looked like on my other user's bunny (eperdemic), but when i tried to trade it back my bow disappeared. Hopefully, the next day it appeared back on my main account. Unfortunately Alexjessicajacklyn was online at the same time. She told me to go to my den (like usual) and she still begs me for the bow. This time I agreed because I didn't want the bow to disappear again. When I traded it to her, she was jumping with joy and then took off- APPONDALE, JAMAA TOWNSHIP, SAREPIA FOREST, CORAL CANYONS AND SO ON, she kept zooming that i couldn't keep track of her (she was my buddy that time)! Then she logged off... A few days later, I entered a fashion show and when I lost I sat by the entrance of the den, and then a user named MangoesPANGOES walked up to me (She also copied my design XD) and I told her that I got scammed by someone named... MangoesPANGOES shouted out "ALEXJESSICAJACKLYN??". Man how did she know?? Alexjessica is mangoes' BFF. She was surprised to hear that Alexjessica scammed me. Then Mangoes rang up Alexjessica to go online Animal jam and then Alexjessica showed up. After that she logged off and also unfriended me and Mangoes. Luckily I got another black bow after a month of searching :)

1. Purple
2. Green
3. White
4. Black
5. White
6. Black...

I think many jammers want gloves to look "Pretty" and "Cool" somehow... and I really get annoyed when people ask me stuff like "What for glove?". it's annoying because IT'S NOT ON TRADE!!!!!!!

Sorry for posting so much Fuzzy :P.

Anonymous said...

hi my user is rottweiler and is there glove codes

Anonymous said...

Something bad happened to me and my friends someone went on me and my friends account and they sold all my stuff and waste all my gems, i think ur right snivy i mean really glove are just plain

BunnyLoveForever123 said...

Hello there, Fuzzy Shyivy!

I know exactly what you mean, at early March 2011 everyone started going wild about gloves.I didn't but someone traded me a purple glove for my fox hat so I accepted it.After some time someone traded me a pink but I never ever and never will go wild about gloves, what's so cool about them their only gloves on a computer screen?

bunnyto is awesome said...

a jammer sent me a lava glove i traded gloves continueisly with jammers and i got purple also a jammer sent me a fox hat!

bunnyto is awesome!!

rocksmithis said...

I FEEL BAD 4 UR FRIEND FUZZY! i was scammed out of a kitchen bake set, but i 4got her user. she said "send me kitchen bake set and i send u headdress" at that time i REALLY wanted a headdress and i was a baby nimrod so i sent and she logged off :( but the next day i got something in the mail... the same necklace your friend got when she was scammed! people try to trick me into thinking my wooden computer isnt beta or rare so i think it actually isnt and send it to them. WHY SUCH MEAN SCAMMERS?!?! AND THESE SCAMMERS TRIED TO SCAM MY WHITE GLOVE! teh said teh could DOUBLE it! I WAS LIKE NO WAY HOSE but i nearly believed them when they traded i think they "doubled" the items by one of them having a red panda plushie and the other having a red panda plushie and one is a scammer and the other is a random citiczen of jamaa who doesn't know the scammer but theyre actually working together. then the "citizen" tells them to NOT scam them and trades plushie for a 45 gem necklace. the scammer pretends 2 put in generator and says loading... and done... and trades back. then the "citizen" puts the 2 plushies on trade to prove it and then they ask you to come up if you want them to double a nonrare item theyll say unknown item and give it back until you give ur rares/rare. :( then they run away to some epic den with ur rare and ur left with a 45 gem necklace. poopp. WHY SCAMMERS, WHY?!?!

rocksmithis said...

rocksmithis said...

thats my blog. but somehow, i keep getting some message saying something ive done has gone wrong. -.- paste paste paste paste words. god.

rocksmithis said...

thats my blog. but somehow, i keep getting some message saying something ive done has gone wrong. -.- paste paste paste paste words. god.

Anonymous said...

I'm Mscute555. I feel so bad for Roxy648. I hope she gets a new fox hat. Or if she already did. Hmm...
Well, BourgeolsReanna is a total scammer.... or thief. At one point, she'll end um scamming EVERYONE, exept the people who are smart enough to know it will be a big trick. So, I think this story has taught a lesson. Yup.... sure has. One about scams, and one about glove truth. Peace to all! Exept BourgeolsReanna. Not peace to her. Angry signs to her!

FIERCEDEITY111 said...

moo haha haha haha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love scamming lolz kidding!!! XD hahahahahahahahhahahaahahha

FIERCEDEITY111 said...

...... who here LOVES the legend of zelda?!?!??!?????????????????????????if you do tipe on animal jam FIERCEDEITY111 thats my user name <3 <3 <3 <3 loz forevey!!!!!!

FIERCEDEITY111 said...

hello...... anyone here.......and fuzzy shyive haw do you do the picthure thing??

Anonymous said...

Ok, well have you heard of the trading system? However, you can still get scammed, because this one guy traded me these neckalaces(the stupid non-rare kind ANYONE can get anywhere) for these rare items! I told him, MY GLOVE!?! and he ran. Should've reported him but he logged off before I grabbed his username.

Icystar said...

Hi! I feel SO bad about everyone that got scammed!!! I think that AJ should ban people when they scam right away!! By the way my user is fireworm200 and please buddy me if you see me! - Fireworm200

Anonymous said...

Hi Fuzzy!!!!
I really love your blog! I always feel happy when I read it but it is about scamming.... Yea!!! elvengirl67 scammed me i lost my purple glove but i searched more and i found a pink glove someone traded me abd i got a white glove i lost my bow and arrow for a golden bow and arrow and a rare hair now i feel sad for all the ppl who lost their things becuz their were scammed i want to tell ya something i also got scammed by elvengirl67 i followed her but she unbuddied me i webt to jamaa and i found somebody wiyh a red glove i wanted it so i took that person to my den and i tried to also scam her but i noticed she was BFF with elvengirl67!!!! I felt so sad becuz i tried to scam her but she forgave me now ill tell you that i felt so sad

List of my all bow and arrows:


List of all my gloves:

Dark blue
Golden ( yellow )

And thats all!
sorry for posting so much!!!
My user is monistar10!!!
- monistar10 -

Anonymous said...

Scamming means to be unkind and it means to.... steal!!! Scammers are those ppl who take things from others but they also take their happy!! When I was scammed I felt so bad!!! I really cried!!! I really love this blog!! I feel happy here!
P.S. : In my last post I told ya something about my bows and my gloves. I said something about a golden bow and arrow and a golden ( yellow ) glove. I will become a member next week so ill can wear them!!! I am so happy!

monistar10 said...

Im on aj like every day and every day i get new info about it i read all the blogs when i go to aj i noticed that scammers are unkind ppl and when i got scammed ( my purple glove ) i sent an email to AJHQ and i felt better every day on aj i get rares and new things i go to parties i send jam-a-grams and i trade i love the trading sistem but i hate scammers i have a fox hat and someone saw it on my trade list and he said "ill trade ya nonmember batwings and nonmember mech angel wings" and i said "ok" then when we traded he traded me member batwings and a stupid heart locked i felt strange but i was lucky becuz i clicked "no"!!!! I knew that the mech angel wings were on a rare monday few weeks ago and i already had them but i wanted becuz my BFF b-day party was nearly and she really wanted those wings. For her b-day i gave her my wings and a glove and she was so happy
Well, the main ideea of my posting is that i hate scammersand i want to make my friends happy
P.S. I am very rich on aj and i have all gloves i think and i think all bows and arrows
~ monistar10 ~

monistar10 said...

Hi, monistar10 here!!! Add me and if i like ya i think im gonna send ya a glove!!!! I told ya im very rich!!!!! Maybe ill send ya a bow and arrow, too!!! But just if i like ya!!! Im gonna become a member and ill double my number of gloves and bow and arrows!!!! Yea!!! But first I have to remodelate my den.... Wait!!! I became a member!!!! Yes!! I think im gonna buy.... Hmmm.... What dens????? I know!!! I want the restaurant and the aquarium and some clothing... And the Epic den.... And what do I hear??? Did I hear someone say party???? Oh yea!!!!
When? On July 16
Where? monistar10's den
Server? Aldan
Time? At 2:00 PM
P.S. : You can bring some music and some gifts, but ill also make some gifts and ill give them to SOME ppl from my party!!! We will have games and we will have a fashion show!! Ill judge it and ill give some presents for the winners!!! Ill get some food and juice!!! We can drink smoothies and ill also spend some gems for playing some gems!!! EVERYBODY WHO COMES TO MY PARTY HAS TO BRING SOME MUSIC AND HAS TO BE KIND AND HAS TO RESPECT MY RULES!!! OH, YEA AND EVERYBODY HAS TO WEAR A TIE!!!!!!!

But i wanted to tell you that i hate scammers and i wanted also to tell you that AJHQ is the most beautiful thing i ever see!!! I like playing on it!!! Oh yea and im a member for 1 year!!!!

Anonymous said...

I know like a lot of the tricks scammers use (trust me I don't scam it's very very VERY bad), so I am aware of it. To me, scammers are mean selfish greedy people who want like... everything they want :/ I see a lot of scammers say something like this, "WHO EVER SENDS ME THE BEST RARE GETS MY (rare item)!!," Or, "SEND ME A SPIKED COLLAR AND I TELL YOU GLOVE CODE/25,000 GEM CODE!!" FIRSTLY, I like to call the "Best rare wins" scam the "Cruel Competition Cheat" why would ANYONE want to give their only spiked collar/rare item to another jammer?? Besides, the "judging scammer" would like log off or something... SECONDLY, There Is No Such Thing As A Glove Code! there is no such code as a 25,000 code either :/ Hope these ideas help jammers!!


Anonymous said...

I know like a lot of the tricks scammers use (trust me I don't scam it's very very VERY bad), so I am aware of it. To me, scammers are mean selfish greedy people who want like... everything they want :/ I see a lot of scammers say something like this, "WHO EVER SENDS ME THE BEST RARE GETS MY (rare item)!!," Or, "SEND ME A SPIKED COLLAR AND I TELL YOU GLOVE CODE/25,000 GEM CODE!!" FIRSTLY, I like to call the "Best rare wins" scam the "Cruel Competition Cheat" why would ANYONE want to give their only spiked collar/rare item to another jammer?? Besides, the "judging scammer" would like log off or something... SECONDLY, There Is No Such Thing As A Glove Code! there is no such code as a 25,000 code either :/ Hope these ideas help jammers!!


Anonymous said...

I know like a lot of the tricks scammers use (trust me I don't scam it's very very VERY bad), so I am aware of it. To me, scammers are mean selfish greedy people who want like... everything they want :/ I see a lot of scammers say something like this, "WHO EVER SENDS ME THE BEST RARE GETS MY (rare item)!!," Or, "SEND ME A SPIKED COLLAR AND I TELL YOU GLOVE CODE/25,000 GEM CODE!!" FIRSTLY, I like to call the "Best rare wins" scam the "Cruel Competition Cheat" why would ANYONE want to give their only spiked collar/rare item to another jammer?? Besides, the "judging scammer" would like log off or something... SECONDLY, There Is No Such Thing As A Glove Code! there is no such code as a 25,000 code either :/ Hope these ideas help jammers!!


Anonymous said...

I know like a lot of the tricks scammers use (trust me I don't scam it's very very VERY bad), so I am aware of it. To me, scammers are mean selfish greedy people who want like... everything they want :/ I see a lot of scammers say something like this, "WHO EVER SENDS ME THE BEST RARE GETS MY (rare item)!!," Or, "SEND ME A SPIKED COLLAR AND I TELL YOU GLOVE CODE/25,000 GEM CODE!!" FIRSTLY, I like to call the "Best rare wins" scam the "Cruel Competition Cheat" why would ANYONE want to give their only spiked collar/rare item to another jammer?? Besides, the "judging scammer" would like log off or something... SECONDLY, There Is No Such Thing As A Glove Code! there is no such code as a 25,000 code either :/ Hope these ideas help jammers!!


Anonymous said...

I know like a lot of the tricks scammers use (trust me I don't scam it's very very VERY bad), so I am aware of it. To me, scammers are mean selfish greedy people who want like... everything they want :/ I see a lot of scammers say something like this, "WHO EVER SENDS ME THE BEST RARE GETS MY (rare item)!!," Or, "SEND ME A SPIKED COLLAR AND I TELL YOU GLOVE CODE/25,000 GEM CODE!!" FIRSTLY, I like to call the "Best rare wins" scam the "Cruel Competition Cheat" why would ANYONE want to give their only spiked collar/rare item to another jammer?? Besides, the "judging scammer" would like log off or something... SECONDLY, There Is No Such Thing As A Glove Code! there is no such code as a 25,000 code either :/ Hope these ideas help jammers!!


Anonymous said...

I know like a lot of the tricks scammers use (trust me I don't scam it's very very VERY bad), so I am aware of it. To me, scammers are mean selfish greedy people who want like... everything they want :/ I see a lot of scammers say something like this, "WHO EVER SENDS ME THE BEST RARE GETS MY (rare item)!!," Or, "SEND ME A SPIKED COLLAR AND I TELL YOU GLOVE CODE/25,000 GEM CODE!!" FIRSTLY, I like to call the "Best rare wins" scam the "Cruel Competition Cheat" why would ANYONE want to give their only spiked collar/rare item to another jammer?? Besides, the "judging scammer" would like log off or something... SECONDLY, There Is No Such Thing As A Glove Code! there is no such code as a 25,000 code either :/ Hope these ideas help jammers!!


Anonymous said...

im rollblades i have a glove and people want it they do go glove crazy!

Anonymous said...

Hi it is me (cupcake29560)i think rares and gloves are the things that started scamming

Anonymous said...

Hi it is me (cupcake66010)cupcake 29560's sister it is hard to be a sis to a rare items owner

Anonymous said...

Animal jam party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!when:9:30 why:to celebrate animal jam where:Cupcake29560"s den June 28th 2012

EchoWish said...

Hi! EchoWish Here! I really hate how people scam, and one time an untrue rumor was spread about me scamming someone, it was terrible. I was a new member, and thought if an item was sent to me I could change the color! So my friend sent me their nonmember bat wings, and I discovered I couldn't change the color I sent them back, but I sent them through the mail, not knowing she couldn't open the Gift! Then I went to help her try and find a new pair of Nonmember bat wings and helped her search for hours, but she still spread a rumor than I was a Scammer! D: But luckily it's cleared up now. So, Yes. Bye. c:

Anonymous said...

I have 2 gloves but I dont even use them!!! They are a legendary glove and a golden mummy glove

Anonymous said...

Hey, all you scammers! Just thing of scamming someone online as stealing in real life.

Anonymous said...

Hi all you Jammers!!
I have a sad story to share with you!:o( So one day i was looking around for a pink bow, (I LOVE PINK!!)
When someone said "i will send you my green bow, pink bow, and grey bow for your gold bow. (i have 2 gold bows)
so i said" I will NOT fall for your trick!!" and then then they said" What trick?" so i believed them.BIG MISTAKE. so i sent it to him, and guess what?! They said "HA HA" And left! i was SO SAD!!! that bow was 4500 gems!! But at the end, i worked hard and, got another gold bow!! And guess what??!! Awhile later, i got a pink bow!! I literally screamed!! Well, i want all of you to be safe on AJ, And Remember: DONT. TRUST. ANYONE!!!
Have fun on AJ! And be safe! :cD

Anonymous said...

I have a sad story too. I met this dude at a trade party and he said "do you have a tail armor?" and i said "yes i do for trade as a matter of fact," he said
"what for it?" and i said "headdress" he said "ok," he fake traded me and said it was not work so we jamaa-a-gramed i sent him the tail then he got offline ASAP!! i never did that again.

faithpie said...

One year,Someone traded me a glove for my Heart cape,After that Someone traded me stuid torn Blakets then bow and arrows , mummy glove,EVEN SKULLYS , beta things too, I WAS SO MAD I REPORTED HER!1. Never trade you glove thx!

Anonymous said...

Oh scammers, OH SCAMMERS!!!! I have been scammed hmm about 5 or more times i think! It really stinks because someone says: SEND ME A FOX HAT ( random item ) THEN I'LL SEND YOU ALL MY RARES! Then Poof you send your item then BAM never going to see it again!Sorry for the post! ADD ME ON AJ
~12345cat50 :D

Anonymous said...

Hi people! I'm 12345cat50! Have you ever seen someone with an item from the shop and there non-member BUT their wearing wings or a unicorn horn or elf braceletsthat are member?? I have it's confusing but they say: I was in beta times. What i think is if you were a beta item you can keep wearing it if you have worn it in beta times. So if beta times come back ( iguess ) keep wearing those member items!!!!
~awesome Thewolf

Anonymous said...

I know I mean i got a glove alot of times ad I got scammed from a rare! Plus a glove is just something 4 ur paw! Whts so keewl about that?! They just look weird a bit..
p.s my user is pmb456
p. p.s wht does p.s mean -.-

Anonymous said...

ok guys i am trading my glove yes htats right my glove so plz offer something good :) my username kittymoooo

Anonymous said...

Wow, Scamming is rude >:(! A few days ago, i just got a headdress by trading a glove (Yup, with the trade system) Then i wanted a golden bow and arrow. Someone said they had one. So i said "Show me". They went OK i will show you just send me your nature archway and i will send you the bow and arrow. Everyone that saw chipped in saying "Don't do it duchess it is scamming!" I was like "Don't worry, i am not a bubble head" I reported her for trying to scam me, and just left.

P.S Fuzzy Shyivy, how do you create a blog? I'm making one on AJ too :)

Anonymous said...

wow that is sad i feel you my headdress got scammed and my LEGEND!! IT WAS A GOLD LEGEND :( AND THIS IDOIT WOLF SCAMMED ME!! her user is ch214h for your own risk never go to her den she will just scam you and unbuddy u plz plz plz (begs on knees) TRADE ME A HEADDRESS!!!! OR A LEGEND MY USER IS PIEGIRL334!! FIND ME IM ON ANIMAL JAM 24/7! PEACE!!!

SweetiepieSugarland said...

i have been scammed but not with a glove with my bow and once with my tail armor! :( Well its been 4 month since then i got new tail armor better tail armor add me i ma sweetiepiesugarland i am on in the morinings and afternoonns

Snowflake Rockygem said...

GLOVES ARE BACK! Go to epic wonders, silver glove for nonmembers available. It's expensive though...

Anonymous said...

The reason people like gloves is becsuse they are rare and hardly ever come into the shop. PEOPLE LIKE RARES.
Isn't that obvious?
- pirate151

Anonymous said...

wow... i have a glove on AJ and my username is KaleighDekis, but i don't get the big point about them... just trade me!

Anonymous said...

my advice: when your going to a party,room,or going to just log off take off your glove!!!! it will help prevent scamming happening to ya also people will not become scammers1!!

Anonymous said...

IKR! Why does everyone want those stupid gloves! now a days, EVERYONE in animal jam has a glove, no matter what! So lame!

Chief Strongpride said...

I for one think that gloves are kind of stupid! WHY! Would people want one what I want is a fox hat!

Anonymous said...

How do u get a headdress? I want 1 so bad. Please trade me my user is:catgirl312

Anonymous said...

the new thing to get is a bow an arrow or fox hats. (i want both)so if you have a black bow and/or a white fox hat trade me! my username is catlover121100 :)

Anonymous said...

i was so excited when i got my glove and i had traded my fav plushies for it but when i put it on i realized it wouldnt let me wear my spiked leg pads with a glove, so i have a silver glove for anyone with black bow or a white fox hat. look up catlover 121100! :)

Annemarie66 said...

Hi! my account name s annemarie66 and i have something to tell you. me and my friend were at someones den and he said i'll give you a bow code for your bow and he had 3 or 4 bows!!! she gave him the bow and he gave her the code he said it works at the beginning of the month and that code expired!! im soo mad at that guy >:( oh! add me!

Annemarie66 said...

Hi! my account name s annemarie66 and i have something to tell you. me and my friend were at someones den and he said i'll give you a bow code for your bow and he had 3 or 4 bows!!! she gave him the bow and he gave her the code he said it works at the beginning of the month and that code expired!! im soo mad at that guy >:( oh! add me!

Annemarie66 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Hi!!!! It's meh, whitneyhayek1867, and I have only come to say a couple of things, ( this is to fuzzy shyivy), " Do you think if you ever had to give up AJ, that you would give your account use and password to anyone??? Well, if you had to, who would it be, and why do you think that they deserve it???" Also, my friend came to say that when she'd traded somebody with a glove, (I am not going to say who my friend was or what type of glove it was,) she had the glove and was trading it for her friend's spike collar, her friend said yes and she got a spike collar. Now, it is like the glove is the only thing people want these days... Well, also, at my den I have an annual trading party the 15th of February, since it is my birthday, also if I can not get on on that day, send me a buddy request and we will catch up on the
Last day of February. And again, if I am not there, it is either because I am out with my family, or I just couldn't get on due to annual homework, so do not fear!!!! :D

- ( sorry this was so long,)
- Whitneyhayek1867

Anonymous said...

THIS IS FOR CATGIRL12, I have a headdress (orange and white one) and will trade it for something you have or send if you want for nothing in return, but I have to warn you, if you ever get a trade from a random person that wants something that you can buy for something that is like a spike collar say no, because they can scam ur username and password that way, BE CAREFUL!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

If anybody wants an orange dragon glove I'll send it to ya, just give meh ur user, and I'll send it.

Blossom Berrymoon said...

I have a purple glove and an orange fox hat. This guy named buster2918 said in a Jamaa Gram: "If you don't give me your glove and hat in Jamaa Gram I will banned you from Animal Jam for ever."
Only someone who works for Animal Jam can ban you, don't fall for it, if someone ever says they'll ban you if you give them something. Also, never EVER trader with someone over Jamaa Gram, only do it over the trading thing so you're certain you'll get the item you want back if you trade them something.

WARNING: If you see someone named buster2918 block him, he's a scammer!

Blossom Berrymoon said...

Another thing that happened to me was, a boy came to my den, I think he was a wolf, too, and he said he would give me some house items if I gave him some of mine. Plants were rare for a while, and I gave him some, I had a lot of plants! I also gave him a bunch of other things he asked for, and I asked when he was going to give me some house items, and he said that he was going to after I gave him mine. Thing was, he wasn't even a member, so I gave them all to him and he couldn't open them! After I gave almost all my items away, he left and deleted me off his friends list! I don't know his name, but I wish I did so I could warn everyone about him.

Chief Strongpride said...

OMG who ever reads this must...grr i just got scammed a black bow, a green and black headdress, a orange and white headdress, and a orange fox hat!

PLEASE REPORT: josdom (scammed fox hat) and icecreamis (scammed headdress both! Plus my black bow!)


Anonymous said...

nobody trades with me they say that i have wimpy items

cpcs3 said...

A while ago I saw my FREIND being hacked it was horrible I feel bad for ur freind!! D:

cpcs3 said...

Oh btw my user is cpcs3 duh LOL. i gotta bunch of animals-my fox is Magical Happyfox

Anonymous said...

Im dying to get a black, red, or white fox hat. But I got a Rare Scary Cat Hat.. Any takers.. Lui28961

Anonymous said...

now u can get them in epic wonders :| im elasmesuar friend meh if i have a space

Anonymous said...

Hi im new to your blog and i feel so bad for your friend who got scammed! i got scammed today by this user:123a16763 he said "send me a good item and get my rare freedom bands" it was sorta my fault tho, i REALLY want rare freedom bands. sadly, i accidently sent my rare anmone head bow. (underwater flower thing)
and he went to his den and locked it!!!! plz add me im Gravityfallsgirl7 and i cant wait 4 my b day its on da 11 >u<

Anonymous said...

Wow, I feel so bad for your friend. And the gloves are not rare at all. I have all of the gloves and when I put them on trade, no one bothers. I think the gloves aren't rare at all.... XD
Add me!

Anonymous said...

Gloves are no good unless there legendary or something.

Anonymous said...

there is a person trading 4 rares for a glove i tried to tell her she would be ripped off but still did the trade.

Anonymous said...

i wish jamaa had No scammers then it would be a much more popular so all you scammers get a life plz and make jamaa a way better land

Anonymous said...


Ok so i was at the trading party and some one traded me a blue glove and 3 other items for my non-rare bow! i accepted and now i have a blue glove!!! :D :D :D

P.S my user is Destro5

Anonymous said...

i got a blue glove from the claw in the trading party! but i traded it

Anonymous said...

I have a black glove and I know how to get it! I got it in 2012 December 22! If u want to find out how to get it add me in animal jam!
User: Annli789
I also got ALL non member rares mech wings heart locket and tons of other betas!!!! I have been only playing for 2 years. :) AND add me! THANKS!!

Anonymous said...

Destroy5. U are sooo dumb!!! NON MEMBER RARE BOW IS MUCH BETTER!! I am still Annli789, and I have two non member rare bow. One blue and one orange. I gave one pink rare one to my BFF. :D

Anonymous said...

Im annli789 aGain and *destro i mean

Unknown said...

I got scammed once! I forgot his user but he is a non-member I think and I was following someone to his den and I saw him with a bunch of members and non-members in his den with bows. he had a bow to and so did I i had a purple bow it was my favorate. and my friend got on and the boy said "send me or trade me a bow and i'll give u my leopard code" and me and my friend said "SCAMMER! IT WONT WORK A 2ND TIME!" and he said to everyone when he got more ppl that I scammed him AND I GOT MAD and my friend whisperd in my ear "i'll trade him my bow to prove it" and I SAID "NO DONT ITS A SCAM DUDE" and she did it and when that guy got my purple bow he ran back to his den and locked it! MINE AND MY FRIENDS USERNAME IS :darkshadowsmovie

Unknown said...

I HATE SCAMMING! SCAMMING IS SO WRONG AND I KNOW REPORTING HELPS BUT DOES NOTHING! plz add me as a friend user is still darkshadowsmovie

Anonymous said...

what is hacking?

Anonymous said...

Wow poor friend, Colored non member gloves are not that rare any more and at least your friend can buy a police hat now :)

Anonymous said...

I have two non-member gloves, green and red.
Now, I don't want them, But I have them.
People trade me every second for my green one on trade.
But, I am crazy about them.
My username is Yetzy

Anonymous said...

Gloves are so popular because most of them are non member, so non members have cool items to wear. I only need the pink non member glove.

Anonymous said...

I'm just glad that they're not bringing back nm gloves. That would be terrible! they wouldn't be beta anymore. I really want a worn :l well and a spike and nm scary bat wings omg. if anyone has any of thoseplease jam a gram me! user: littemissiecutiepie

Anonymous said...

ok so people that get scammed by jam a grams here is a good tip i always use and always have used this is simple tip :
or else you might not actually know what their sendingso you can just not say ok if it isnt what they promised so i hoped this helped and sorry i used caps it is just that im mad at scammers!

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