Heya Jammers!
For SO long I've been keeping a secret about a top secret plan. Recently, I've been giving clues and even made a poem about it...and I was surprised to see only 1 jammer got it.
Roxy648! She said:
:O They Get Told To Get Rid Of A Clan Member?!?! Wait.. Its Like A Game show Or Something Like Where You Can Get Voted Off But You Gotta Win One Of Fuzzys Challenges And The Loosing Clan Gets Rid Of A Member... Did I Figure It Out, You Know At Least A Bit Of It?
Not only does she know a BIT of it, she knows the ENTIRE scoop!
By guessing correctly, she has earned herself an automatic spot in any clan/team of her choice!
So, it IS a game show. Other people know of it as a reality show!
I was in my brother's reality show and came in second by 1 vote. (Club penguin reality show.)
They are REALLY cool, and REALLY fun...
but, only if you show up.
You see, if you sign up, you need to think IF you will remember to check the site daily, cooperate with others, and have an Animal Jam account.
ALSO...the most important:
It's not me who decides who gets voted off anyways...it's YOU GUYS!!
Yes, that's right. YOU get to vote for who should be out each week!
So don't come to me all mad if you get voted off - it's not the end of the world! I can't control it.
The prize...
If you win the ENTIRE game show, you will win a prize.
What is it?
You get to be a chat mod AND a site mod!
Please note that if you aren't being fair or nice on chat you will not get to be a moderator anymore, and if you are not helping out and commenting a lot, the next month, you will not get to be a site mod anymore either. So be a fair winner, and don't let that happen, ok?
Sign Ups...
Here you can sign up to BE in the game show.
All you have to do is tell me the following in a comment on THIS POST...
Your AJ user name
Your AJ animal you will be using's name
The BEST days to meet on AJ
Your time zone (ask a parent if you're not sure, or look it up on the Internet so you know when to come. In order to do this, you will need to know how many hours apart YOUR time zone is from MINE, which is EST.)
WHY you want to participate
If we are buddies on AJ already.
That's right. In the first meeting, if you actually show up, and are able to make it, we can certainly be buddies!
So what are you waiting for? Sign up for your chance to win!!
More information coming soon after the sign ups are complete which is in 2-3 weeks.
Have any questions? Comment, and me (or a mod, if they can) will answer it!
So far signed up:
General ScaryRuler
Teensy SnowPaw
Eternal SnowyStar
Cotton Claws
Blossom TinyBunny
General FrozenGem
Sign Ups are currently CLOSED. Details are coming soon!!!
Happy Jamming!

:O They Get Told To Get Rid Of A Clan Member?!?! Wait.. Its Like A Game show Or Something Like Where You Can Get Voted Off But You Gotta Win One Of Fuzzys Challenges And The Loosing Clan Gets Rid Of A Member... Did I Figure It Out, You Know At Least A Bit Of It?
Not only does she know a BIT of it, she knows the ENTIRE scoop!
By guessing correctly, she has earned herself an automatic spot in any clan/team of her choice!
So, it IS a game show. Other people know of it as a reality show!
I was in my brother's reality show and came in second by 1 vote. (Club penguin reality show.)
They are REALLY cool, and REALLY fun...
but, only if you show up.
You see, if you sign up, you need to think IF you will remember to check the site daily, cooperate with others, and have an Animal Jam account.
ALSO...the most important:
It's not me who decides who gets voted off anyways...it's YOU GUYS!!
Yes, that's right. YOU get to vote for who should be out each week!
So don't come to me all mad if you get voted off - it's not the end of the world! I can't control it.
The prize...
If you win the ENTIRE game show, you will win a prize.
What is it?
You get to be a chat mod AND a site mod!
Please note that if you aren't being fair or nice on chat you will not get to be a moderator anymore, and if you are not helping out and commenting a lot, the next month, you will not get to be a site mod anymore either. So be a fair winner, and don't let that happen, ok?
Sign Ups...
Here you can sign up to BE in the game show.
All you have to do is tell me the following in a comment on THIS POST...
Your AJ user name
Your AJ animal you will be using's name
The BEST days to meet on AJ
Your time zone (ask a parent if you're not sure, or look it up on the Internet so you know when to come. In order to do this, you will need to know how many hours apart YOUR time zone is from MINE, which is EST.)
WHY you want to participate
If we are buddies on AJ already.
That's right. In the first meeting, if you actually show up, and are able to make it, we can certainly be buddies!
So what are you waiting for? Sign up for your chance to win!!
More information coming soon after the sign ups are complete which is in 2-3 weeks.
Have any questions? Comment, and me (or a mod, if they can) will answer it!
So far signed up:
General ScaryRuler
Teensy SnowPaw
Eternal SnowyStar
Cotton Claws
Blossom TinyBunny
General FrozenGem
Sign Ups are currently CLOSED. Details are coming soon!!!
Happy Jamming!

Hey Fuzzy! I'm sooo glad we're starting the secret, (well, not secret anymore) plan! My username is FunPinkyPinky. The animal I'll be using is my wolf, Snowflake Articwolf. I'm in the Central Time Zone, which is one hour BEHIND your time zone. I want to play this game because it sounds really fun and I'm guessing lots of my friends are gonna come, too. See ya 'round!
@ Fuzzy Shyivy
Mythical Magicmaster
Monday nights 7o'clock - whenever
CST (-1 hour from EST)
I want to participate for a chance to be a mod! I know a LOT about Animal Jam and would be of much use to newer viewers/Jammers.
We are buddies.
Hi! SOOOOOOO Glad I Got It Right! Its AWESOME!! But Uhh Im On My Non Freezing Account, FloraAndFauna, And If I Get Voted Out, Can I At Least Help You Because I Was The n Who Got I Right, Because I Want To Be Like, An Announser If Im Voted Out, Or At Least A Stage Helper. My Time Zones Eastern, Any Time Is Good (exept at before 5:30 on school days ((Exept monday))) Were Buddies And my Reason, Well Its Ovius, Im A Fan, I Get A Free Choosing And I Love Animaljam! :3 I'll Be Using Flora Peachyrose (my bunny) But If Their Are Some Random Wolves Who Think SO VERY WRONG I Will Be Fauna Icypuppy (my wolf) Well, I Typed ALOT! So Ummm If I Win I Will Give The Chat Modness To The Second Place Because I Have Chat Modness. Well I Think I'll Stop Typing Maybe Idk Im Just SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Happy Im Right (even tho you told me before as a secret lol) But Im A Good Sport All The Time Unless Im SUPER ANNOYED Soo I'll BE THERE!
-Roxy648 / FloraAndFauna
@Fuzzy Shyivy
Sign up:
Username: BillyBobJoe
AJ animal name: General Scaryruler
Saturday and Monday
Mountain Time
I would like to join since it looks fun and I want to be a mod.
I am already your buddy on AJ XD
I really, really REALLY! Want to join so heres all the info P.S I know what a time zone is, not bragging sorry, anyway, here you go!
Animal Name:Eternal Cottonclaws
Tine Zone (RIGHT AT THIS MOMENT):08:00
Why I wanna take place: Because i've never been in a real party mix up thing in animal jam and it would be sooooo cool to be a moderator AND be on a game show, I hope I get into the game show and I think ill do GREAT!
Are we buddies: No. :(
my usename is lunaiscool my aj is duchess braveclaws it is a tiger my time zone is Mountain time sounds cool
U definetly know me fuzzy Really sugguest weekends or fri day never wednesday
also timewise im avalibe about after 4:00
teeensy snowpaw
@Hello Kitty Rules My World
Actually, I knwo you're not bragging, but I don't think you do know, because your answer was not what a time zone is...
a time zone is basically the time schedule type thing where you live. For example, people in Japan would be a few hours ahead/behind my time zone, EST, so a time zone is the place of hours where you live...
I'm not sure that made sense, but it's hard to explain.
For example, some time zones depending where you live, like, EST, Central Time Zone, etc.
Hi Fuzzy! I wanna be on your game show!Username is:eternalsnowflakeleopaw
Ok, now i'm a little scared,but if I signed up on the clan(now game show)sign-ups,why ain't I signed up? P.S. I'm still not so sure about this,don't get mad if I don't come.P.S.No.2 tell me if I have to do it again,it's a few posts before this one.
............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Now i'm a bit scared about this sign....up...........................................................................................................................
Oh Oh Oh! I did a comment but the time zone was wrong! and so ive made another I REALLY want to be in this, my username is Scratchy my animals name is Eternal Cottonclaws, I think the best days to meet on AJ are sun and sat, there the weekend, im usally on ALL day on sun and half the day on sat, my time zone is (last time I got this wrong)GMT I hope thats right! And I really want to do this because it sounds fun and ive never been in somthing like this before, I hope I become a contestant, and no we are not buddies on AJ, hope you see this comment BYE!
Im sorry Fuzzy mistake, Aww man this is embaressing!!! I made a new comment and it had my time zone in it, I didnt know what you ment at first SORRY FUZZY! bye!
Could I give you something if you draw my rabbit (on AJ)? Respond at my website (link in name)
Hiya :) I wanna join this game show!
General Frozengem
I can go online any time any day
Pacific Standard Time (three hours before EST)
Because I think it seems really fun.
I hope I can play :)
Hey Fuzzy!
Get this!
3 new codes! I have no idea if you have already posted one of them. All of them work. I got them from Retailmenot.com .
All of them give 1000 gems.
Discovery? I'll look into the one! THANKS!
hi fuzzy! I do not know u but i want to sign up. My main animal name is King Templechamp. Tell me where and when 2 meet u on animaljam.
Can you please tell me WHEN this is starting?
Fuzzy, I was originally hello kitty rules my world, now my name is Cotton Claws, if you ca change it that would be great, or just get rid of hello kitty rules my world... Thank you!
Hey!! Okay my username peacelove101 animal jam name is Fabulous Articpaw. Time zone is central.I'd love to meet soon! *ps* we are buddies!
My name on chat is my aj name thanks sooo much!
Hey Fuzzy,
I'm sbhunter (username), and my animal is a rabbit named Major Majormajor. I live in the Mountain Time Zone, and I would love to be part of your game!
Those details are coming later this week.
Sorry my reply is so late!
No, sorry! I don't do that kind of stuff.
Can I come in? You should know my stuff but---
Animal:Fuzzy Roundanimal (That's what I used for the clan) and my wolf is expired.
Time zone: Central
That's it
Oh and;
Best day: Saterday
Why?: Because I bet it will be fun and because I like game shows!
Buddies?: We are buddies
My username is Coolstar4246
animal is infinity icyivy
my time zone is central
im not available @ school day, but i usually available in weekends
p.s fuzzy where are you from?
Can I sign up?
Your AJ user name: SoaringEagle
Your AJ animal you will be using's name: Mythical Arcticstar
The BEST days to meet on AJ: Friday
Time Zone: EST
WHY you want to participate: Meh I'm kinda bored and it sounds like lots of fun!
Are we buddies on AJ already: Nope.
Username: Key99
Animal: Fuzzy Roundanimal
Best Day: Saterday and Friday
Time Zone: Central
I want to sign up because I think the game show will be fun!
We are buddies on aj
Hey Fuzzy,
I'm SoaringEagle (username), and my animal is a seal named Mythical ArcticStar. I live in the EST time zone, and I would love to be part of your game! The best weekday to meet is Friday.
-DD, Fuzzy
Fuzzy,I really want to be your buddy on animal jam. I keep sending you request,but you wont exept them. Please add me as your buddy! My Username is: marisawade : Please add me! I am a BIG fan of you!
And you know the roxy girl? She is the one that scammed my white glove!!!!!! I had a white glove and she scammed it! btw i want to be in your game!!!!
animal name:princess tiny wolf
best time to meet is any day!! just add me!!
hi im kingchris1788 on animal jam.my name is commander speedyninja.i am a member and i have 41 acheivments 10144 gems. and i like to sign up to be a mod. thanks :)
i really want to be in the compition my user is rare25 plz
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