Saturday, September 11, 2010


Oh, Heya Jammers!
Yes. The wait is UP!! I have gotten a free club membership for being a beta tester.
The front screen looks different to, take a look:
COOL, eh?
So for members, this is what you get:

So I was looking at the clothing...

Ok...all the clothes with the blue around them are for members ONLY. The clothing items with red signs are what you cannot afford. You will also find these changes in the den furniture catalogue. I think, this is GREAT. There are some new Den items to! Some plants, new wallpapers and floors, and a banner or shield to go on your wall! Even when you are NOT a member, you can still buy clothes, AND furnite items!!!!!!!!!

THEN I went to look at my new Den Designs.

Ok - OLD den, is gone. I don't have that den anymore!!! WHY!!!!
Remember that den???

Two words. This new one, is a Rip. Off. 
This den, has no space for anything - at all.
It is SMALLER, then ONE room of the old dens. NO bride. ONE floor.
And the only other Den you can change to right now is a castle. For DOUBLE this Den's amount of money. It costs 6000 GEMS. Well, I'll tell you how it looks when I'm done my 1 billionth game of Temple of Trivia and I finally have enough...right now I'm at 318. This could take a while.

Also there is a new newspaper.

Also, take a look at your player names when you log on:

See? All non-member names are blue. Members get the gold names!

The word BETA is gone from the sign, and Animal Jam is beta than ever! Get it?
Click here to take a look at the Membership page!

Well, enjoy Jamaa! Happy Jamming!

Blogger Templates


Anonymous said...

where do u get clothes?!

FuzzyShyIvy said...

Well, you knoew how you start off in the Jamaa town square or whatever? There are two paths leading upwards - take the left one. Soon you will see a big store with a sale sign. Go inside, and click on one of the tables with clothing on it! Change the colours, or recycle it for gems in the recycling machine. Hope that Helped. -Fuzzy

Anonymous said...

im trying to make a website and i dunno how i set it up at all

Anonymous said...

is that a free membership?or are you just telling everyone what will happen if you become a member

FuzzyShyIvy said...


Nooo...I don't know what you mean...?

Anonymous said...

how do i make a sight like you? because you are awesome and i wanna be just like you some day i really want to meet you on animal jam that would make my day:D my username is cginatl

talllya6 said...

me to my mother said i could make a blog is it ok if i make an animal jam on also?????? if no ill make one but nothing like u k?!
:( = no
:) = yes
:( or :)

Ironwulf said...

Hey Fuzzy, how did you become a Beta Tester?

SacredGrove said...

A beta tester was basically someone who played while Animal Jam was still in beta. I was a beta tester! Hope this helps.
-Major Majormajor

Anonymous said...

this is so cool! but i wish there were no memberships. it's so unfair. members get almost everything. before on aniaml jam there were no members! i wish it was like that now!!!!!!!!!!
-nationalanimal (username)

Anonymous said...

wat is a beta tester?

nationalanimal said...

how do u get ur username like this: EX: ironwulf said...

Shadowja02 said...

i saw Duel Samurai swords and im Japanese i want them so bad This is unfair just like clubpenguin :(

Dolphingirl7 said...

Omg, U werea beta tester?!
Lucky DX


Anonymous said...

it isnt fair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Members" get EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you HAVE TO PAY $30 to be a "Member"!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i like the game................. but it ISN'T fair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

Anonymous said...

how do I get a free membership

Anonymous said...

Is there free membership anywhere? If there is please tell me. :)

Anonymous said...


There is no free membership. If anybody tells you they know there are two ways to prove them wrong. 1. Even though they might work, they are probably a cheat. According to the Animal Jam rules, this breaks the game.
2. If they say you need to give them rares first, that is a scam. If you don't know what that is, it's when someone tricks you into giving them rares.
3. They could plainly be liars.
OK, make that three reasons. Just follow those reasons.
papad91278, Junior AJR Mod

Anonymous said...

shyivy i got scammed 3 times :( i realy would like my rares back so ya but at least i got it on tape :)XD and i wish there was no member ship so it would be fair and to be honest i want the codes to be valid again :'( i mis codes

Anonymous said...

hello peoples membership rocks and animal jam is not as unfair

blossom spiritmoon said...

wowwee...this is some awesome info cause i just started animal jam like.. in 2011 and i didn't even KNOW there was a beta thingy... well anyways, why can't we all be memebers? why are there memebers at all? i just want to know the anwsers to these questions!
~love coolcat4157~
P.S. i might maybe poissibly become a memeber for animal jam this easter...maybe.
~love coolcat4157~

Cutewolf29 said...

Lucky, your a member i wish i was a member

Anonymous said...

Some people say if you type banana as your code on Jan. first you get free membership. It's not a scam. It started as a rumor then people started saying it works. It's only something made up. Also if someone tells you tap the spacebar repeatedly you get a rare. That is also made up.

Anonymous said...

Excuse me but i never saw a change in animal jam and your post just made me cofused. Could you explain a little more what this is about?

Anonymous said...

Okay, can someone help me here? I just got a fireplace for the second time. (I traded for it) The first time, I went to the recycling place to see how many gems it was worth. It was worth only one gem! But I have traded that one already. This time, i got a second fireplace and i went to see how many gems it was worth, but i saw it was worth ninety gems. WHAT THE?! If anyone knows, please tell me if there was a glitch on one of the fireplaces.

Anonymous said...

Hi Fuzzy I'm a Big Fan of your blog and i am also looking threw blogs to see what Animal jam was like when it was first created!

tinypanda2208 said...

THX FOR MAKING THIS SITE! I love this site because, it shows how much torcher te first testers of animal jam were. But, for some reson it made it imposible for people to be a member. I'm so sorry for you if you had to do tat . Also i saw yuor site told me that im glad they updated Animal Jam. I am a member now thumbs up if yu are to this makes me also think.... $30! Who makes something like that!So i love your site and all .THANK YOU FUZZY SHYIVY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

tinypanda2208 said...

Also ajnewsflash me to me tooooooooooo.

tinypanda2208 said...

it was in 2010 . I know because i saw it when i loged in . :)love the site3 come back when you can i will check and see you so write back:]i - am-no -robot just kidding i should of earased that.

~TheCrystal~ said...

Man, you people cannot spell. Anyway, I came right after beta. I don't have very good memory, so I looked on Animal Jam blogs, and this one (so far) is THE BEST ONE I have seen! Thank you Fuzzy ShyIvy for creating this blog! And, Fuzzy and/or your mods, how were you a beta tester if the website was not yet launched to the world? Also, HOW DO YOU CREATE A WEBSITE LIKE ANIMAL JAM?! I have been trying and trying, drawing up plans, looking on websites, I have no clue. please tell me Fuzzy, if you know. And by the way Fuzzy, I'm not a robot :3

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! Free membership for being a beta tester? That's cool. Too bad I started the year after :( 2011...
What if there would be a newer version of Animal Jam and this one became another beta version? I dont think they will re-give free membership for being a tester but it would be cool if that happened :D

Aubrey said...

I wish I could've seen beta so badly!!):
I started in November 2011.

Anonymous said...

ahhhhhhhhhhhhh these were the old days of animal jam. I remember when i freked out too become a member! :D really my dad told me to shh. when you look at this from 2012 this is what you think about :)


Anonymous said...

:*( i miss beta

Anonymous said...

the beta days must of been way different. when did animal jam start? when my mopm wewnt into the parent dashboard it said free: jion the club what does that mean?

Arctic Wolf said...

hey i was on google and i saw it i love your website!!!! it rocks and im a member its awesome!!!!!!! :) you rock!!! love the one with the gloves i know right i want spike collar soooooo bad!!!!!!!!!!! but u said u didnt want one or need one :/ lol!!! Bye u rock!!! :)

Queen Arcticwolf said...

Plz buddy me my user is esme1131 ihave commented a few minutes ago please bemy buddy on animaljam

Anonymous said...

hello everyone i just wanted to say that i think it is fair that you can get membership cos that way people who really devote their time to animal jam can show their devotion!
although perhaps they should lower the prices!!

Anonymous said...

fuzzy shy ivy can you tell me how to be a beta tester? i really want free membership!


esme1131 aslo know as Queen arctic wolf said...

Ooo I'm a member its awesome I have an arctic wolf I'm gonna get a snow leopard later esme1131. :D plz buddy me plz

esme1131 also known as Queen Arctic wollf said...

I'm addicted to Animal jam its so fun. :D

esme1131 also known as Queen Arcticwolf said...

Hi fuzzy can I be your friend on Animaljam plz its esme1131. : D

esme1131 also known as Queen Arcticwolf said...

Goodnight 4 me I'm sooooo sleepy.

esme1131 know known as snow leopard =D said...

You know how I said I would get a snow leopard, well I did get 1 yesturday its soooooooo epic!

esme1131 also known as snow leopard =D said...

Omg people keep on saying I'm epic it annoys me after a while so.... I like waffles!

Anonymous said...

"this is so cool! but i wish there were no memberships. it's so unfair. members get almost everything. before on aniaml jam there were no members! i wish it was like that now!!!!!!!!!!
-nationalanimal (username)"
Memberships pay for the website. That's how it works. Animal jam doesn't run off donations, you know.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry that I missed the beta period because now I can't get membership.

Anonymous said...

do you by any chance know any membership codes?

Anonymous said...

I am from the fuuutttuuurrree hello =D nice beta blog.... Its coolio....

Im birdy12447 by the way! =3

animal jam fun said...

wow. I remember beta testing... IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

animal jam is unfair to non members ):O

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone,

I just got my member like yesterday... i was like sooo happy! i was glad that i have a friend in petpetpark that told me play animal jam the web she told me CHANGE MY LIFE i began to be more focused on both things school and aj! ya i was new, but i got a new friend in aj, sadly i lost contact with her! i feel sad, she gave me my first thing ever! a purple non rare bow, still now i didnt even trade one thing for that bow it was a memory of my friend!

♥ Pinky4879

Unknown said...

I finally made a blog :D idk how good it is, can someone random check it out? Just look up esme1131 on google it will probaly pop up, Thanks!

Unknown said...

It looks like this is an old blog, I see how it was....

Anonymous said...

I was a beta tester till snowyclaw jioned /

Anonymous said...

dat is cray cray

Anonymous said...

are the claws for beta testers or just really old because i see these people that have the claw and they wont accept anything not an epic tiger plush not a fox hat its not fair :( please tell me.

Thefoxsays2005 said...

Fuzzy will you please come back? I was the person that said she wanted to post. I can only post in the early evening because my computer is broken and I am able to play at my grandparents house.

Anonymous said...

Non members RULE!!!!!!!!!! my big sis has PHANTOM
GAUNTLETS and member items!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! How old is this blog?

Anonymous said...

Wow, I am getting membership for Christmas. It's the gift card: 3 month and a snow leopard! I can't wait til December, Christmas! XD

Anonymous said...

Wow, I am getting membership for Christmas. It's the gift card: 3 month and a snow leopard! I can't wait til December, Christmas! XD

Unknown said...

Hi I'm a friend of one of the Animal Jam rush ppl and she's like 15 or 16 by now but if you are one of the owners of animal jam rush and are reading this plz play on aj again~ Pillowpet990

Anonymous said...

damn, this is so old. this makes me very happy to read tho