Saturday, February 18, 2012

LOTS of New Things!

Heya Jammers!

A few new things around Jamaa today.
First of all, there are two new jam-a-grams! 
The first is the one from the contest!
The second introduces penguins, and the Sol Arcade!

Also, Phantom Invasion in the Sol Arcade is slightly different now. Much better, actually, in my opinion.
Take a look. Rather than having 3 different colours, and the saucer flashing the colour you choose to win, there is one shooter, and you just have to aim it right.
And then you get the cool new animal toys, with outfits! Yay!
Also, they have penguin toys in it now, to!

There are also penguin PLUSHIES!

OHMYGOD! That is SO cute!
You can get them in the claw machine in Appondale. Yay!!!

There's also a new den item, a cherry tree.

And, a new flag:

These updates are SO cool! Tell me what you think of the penguin plushies, and the new Phantom Invasion and Phantom Invasion toys in the comments.

Happy Jamming!


Jenny said...

All these years of thinking "this was so smart of me" as i had bought a bunch of cherry trees before they went away - they were on clearance. Now they are back >_< i feel so silly! lol! OMG!!!! THOSE ARE SO CUTE AND STUFF! OMG THE NEW CARD SOMEONE MADE IS SO CUTE? AMS I RIGHT?

reds565 said...

fuzzy i have a question when you like take a picture of your animals and pets how do you like make and your animal only and get rid of the background of the pic

Anonymous said...

What is the newest monday rare item?


Anonymous said...

I love the penguin plushies and I think the phantom invasion is so much better and easier to use............ Is it true you were a beta tester?

Anonymous said...

hey im love1114 on aj add me X3