Monday, February 6, 2012

Future Wings?

Heya Jammers!

I was in various places in AJ today, and noticed two different butterflies I have never seen before.

You may ask yourself: What is so weird about them? Well, look at their wings. 
I have never seen bat wings, and fan wings before. So, I instantly went to act like I was adopting a butterfly, looked around at the wing options, and those wings did not show up. So I went to the pet shop in Appondale. I went into the butterfly-dresser-upper, but still, no wings like that were options.

So what do you think? Either I have gone completely wacko, and the wings are already available, AJ's messed up, OR these could be future wing options!
Let me know if I have messed this up!

Happy Jamming!


TT Coyote said...

A long time ago rare futures would appear on pets randomly when you bought them, now AJ lets you buy select few features for pets. So I'm sad to say you can't get those wings for pets D:

bubblestorm14 said...

there used to be a bat pet in october but that's a butterfly... + the fox hat on the snake can't be put on your pet so it is just a future item or not.

Woodswolf said...

There was a bat pet during Day of the Phantoms this year. It was a rare pet, just like the reindeer.

Sirius Alnitak said...

Trickertreee is right. Those wings are from the old days on AJ when you got random rare features.

Anonymous said...

find me on aj!!! named princessluna701!! please i need some friends!

Anonymous said...
