Sunday, September 5, 2010

Animal Jam MEMBER Locks!

Heya Jammers!
Remember how I said in my last post about the locked room?
Well NOW I relize WHAT exactly those locks MUST be FOR!!

Just LOOK at those locks on the two pictures...
Yes, they don't look the same, but they ARE VINED on! I wonder, if that will be a room to members only when the memberships are available!
It's just a thought though, I'm not making a point. This could easily just be something locked to look mysterious.
I either could be wrong, right, or Animal Jam just doesn't wanna use some tape. (Hee Hee!)

Blogger Templates


Jake said...

Save your pics as a .png to get them clear

FuzzyShyIvy said...

That one picture of the little hut or whatever actually looks like that. Although it's saved as a .JPEG it's still really clear. Sometimes I forget, or on purpose use Paint because it is faster, which automatically saves as .JPEG
Sometimes If I do them in Paint.Net I always save them as .PNG, but it is way slower then regular Paint.
Thanks for the suggestion though!

Kewlperson :D said...

will you take pic of whats inside the locked room!?!? please! cause' your a member!!

FuzzyShyIvy said...

Sorry! I lost my membership around 2 weeks ago.

Maddy1105 said...

Aww... I'm bugging my parents for a membership....

FuzzyShyIvy said...

Oooo...I wish I could get one to. Let me know hwo the battle ends.

Maddy1105 said...

LOL! I'm using my wikispace account now... and, I will!

Anonymous said...

Ok,so yoou wanna know what's inside the hut there,sorry,even though i'm a member,it seems you still can't get in that hut,member or not. @funwow

Anonymous said...

it isnt im a member and no 1 cant go in u were correct that u said 2 make it look serious!!!!

Precious Fireyclaw said...

The hut goes to that frozon new place since it's not finished i cant open. And in jamaa township there's where a bridge is supposed to be but you cant get across

*shifty eyes*

FunPinkyPinky said...

The bridge goes to a place called Appondale!!! Weird, huh? A while ago, maybe a month and a half? I clicked on the bridge in the Township and it seemed there was a glitch! The bridge led me to this place called Appondale and there was a bird's nest and a huge tree to climb up and everything, but it looked like it was a sketch, like it wasnt colored in. About ten other people were there. Most of them had clicked the bridge also and some of them had just followed their friends from their profiles. I asked an AJ Guide about it sometime later and he said that they had been having trouble loading it in or something. Hope this helps EVERYONE with the secret accross the bridge!!! I also think Fieryclaw is probably right about the hut going to the Frozen Place.

Anonymous said...

i know what is in the room!

Anonymous said...

Huh? what IS in the room and how do you get in?

Anonymous said...

wow i wish i could get to appondale! and is the bridge you clicked on the one that leads to the lost temple of zios??????????

Cute Cockapoos said...

You can't enter the buildings, even as a member. I'm a member, but I can't enter them. I unlocked the animals, but not the building. I wonder what there for. Maybe we should ask the HQ...

Fuzzy ShyIvy said...

the HQ probably is working on the hut...

Taylor said...

I know what the hut is. It is Cosmo the koala shamans home. Each shaman has a house somewhere, except Liza!

Anonymous said...

I'm sad to say this, but I am pretty sure that even if you are a member, you are still not able to go in. Sorry.

Little Rainystar

SacredGrove said...

I was thinking the hut might be a portal to another world with new lands to explore, although others think it's pie....i totally doubt that it's pie
-Major Majormajor

Anonymous said...

Sadly enough the door has not opened into a new world of pies or adventure, as I'm sure everyone is very disappointed. It would have been very cool if it went to the frozen land. Liza needs no home for she is a wanderer. Maybe we will see new lands with new adventures in upcoming months.

-Old Frozenspirit and Crashing Canyonclaw (snowyclaw)

Alice Yang said...

Hi! I'm new to your site but I like it and I think you should keep doing it. Anyways, I've been a jammer for aj for quite a while and I was wondering; How do you get non-member gloves? Thanks and please reply soon :)

FuzzyShyIvy said...


The only way is to wait in case they ever come out again in stores.
The other way is to ask for someone to send one to you - But DO NOT. This is called begging, and the AJ HQ strictly says NOT to do this. Donèt trade for one, either. It is a SCAM. Read my: The truth about gloves post for info on this.

Anonymous said...

im spartan1232 and spartan123 and my sis said that the little hut is a elevator!

Anonymous said...

It's a Flag shop for everyone!! You can buy flags in there! ;)

Anonymous said...

you are crazzy

DanceLove said...

All it is is a flag shop. I have been there.

Blossom CoolBird said...

Wow i also lost my aj membership but the wierd thing is that when it was sat and i still had membership (my last day) they kept logging me off! BTW i think the hut was the Flag shop srry if im late to post but i just went on this web. my user on AJ is cutiepie65716 if u wanted to know

Blossomcoolbird said...

Did i even post a comment? i cant go on AJ much cuz i keep having to get Mandarin homework its soooo anoying

Anonymous said...

No. It's a flag shop. It's 2012 for me now. On 2011 they opened it on November 16. :)

Anonymous said...

Blossom coolbird i hate homework too it's so anoying and boring.

Anonymous said...

@fuzzyshyivy can i name my bunny fuzzyshyivy? i promise to make her look totaly differnt

Anonymous said...

i know what that hut is its 1 a threader or 2 a flag shop

Ally said...

that room is the flag shop

Ally said...

that hut is the flag shop

Anonymous said...

the hut is the flag shop i know because when you join animal jam like in 2011 it is opended and it like has like flags and flags and more flags.
i am still a non-member


Anonymous said...

the frozen word is called Mt.Siver

Anonymous said...

your avatar so cute

Anonymous said...

I know what they are. The first one is for members, and the second one is what is today known as the Flag Shop.

Unknown said...

Hiya, I'm just posting on whats new today in 2015~! Of course FREE pet honeybees for all jammers! I got one myself today :D Oh and I can't forget! The den item contest! U can vote for glitchy gear, a movie theater, and a steam-punk parlor! I can't wait to go too the beta party with all of the beta items! They earn't real betas tho! And snow leopards have returned too jamaa :D

-Old Daringwolf