Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Heya Jammers!
There is a new den object, and what I think are two new clothing items! Take a look.

Cool huh?
Blogger Templates


ilovebunnys65 said...

cool i'm ilovebunnys65 add me! yo........

$piritrosePlez said...

This has nothing to do with anything on your blog, but what site did you use to make it? I'm looking forward to making a blog with my Mom, but I have to do all the reasearch. I thought that, since you have the best blog yet, I should probably ask you. So, Fuzzy, what did you use to make your blog?

XxFreeSpiritxX said...

Omg! Finally, we know where the founder's hat came from.

Piezilla and LaughingPancake said...

AWESOME! A Founder's Hat!They might be coming in July! I'm so happy! I had one, but then I did a TERRIBLE TRADE. Thanks for reading my comment! XD
