Boy, am I EXCITED!!
You really won't believe this. The Animal Jam HQ Has made ME, in the spotlight! Out of ALL the jammers! ME! I can't believe that. If you think this picture is an edit:
Then read it here...
See what you think!
Personally, I'm honored! This is AMAZING!
Thanks SO MUCH Animal Jam HQ, for everything!

OMG i hope i get in the jammer spotlight i'v been around a lot of aj guides and doing really good things they seem to be following me somtimes so you better be ready at your party you better have a lotta friends paces left and if anybody who's lucky rekoizes me i have 5 buddy slots!
I applied for that this week, but Congratz. Only 1% of the people who apply actually get to be in Jammer Spotlight!I'm probably not going to be in it, but you never know!
I wish I was in the Jammer Spotlight. I do my best every day and try my best to be kind. Oh, and Fuzzy, I have a question. Could you please buddy me? March seventh through ninth, five' o clock, Nile, Hot Cocoa Hut. Please? I'll be my rabbit, Major Majormajor. I posted with my user on here. If you can't make it then get in contact with me. We'll work it out. TTYL. You are awesome!
-Major Majormajor
Hi Fuzzy,
This is a long time after you posted but, TODAY I GOT ON EPIC DENS!!!! Similar to Jammer Spotlight I guess.
They don't do Jammer Spotlight anymore, though. I am just as psyched as you probably were!
Wow!!! Your website is awesome!! Soul25 told me the website, now I'm staying here! BTW, congratz girl!
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