The title of this post may have got you excited about something to do with Animal Jam - but it's not for AJ, it's for AJR! This very site!
It has come to my attention blogger templates look the best one solid colour. Different shades are good though. For example, look at my Brother's site!
See all the blue?
I'm going to do something like that, but with my favourite colour, purple!
Purple Purple Purple. Purple header, purple sidebars, text, post background, I really like purple.
The construction will be Ending on...whenever I end.
Which could mean it mgith take me a while before I post. If there is anything new, please comment telling me so if you think it is worth a post!
I promise this will look super cool.

Your bro's website is just O-K but yours is 100% better!
hi my name on aj is pricess cutewolf and my user is kallie plz add me if you see me
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