Wednesday, November 10, 2010

New Clothing and Furniture!

Heya Jammers!
Today I was looking and found some new clothing and den items.
Also, all the Halloween is OUT, and Autumn is IN!
So you can take a look at the new stuff on this page.

Look at those two new cool den chairs! Oh wow, Im sure members will enjoy those, and for the price of 300 gems only!
Too bad I don't have my mebership.
Also, the new November Buddy of the Month is up! Go check it out and see if it is you!
 Happy Jamming!

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1 comment:

SacredGrove said...

Cool! I wish I could be buddy of the month, but I'm not your buddy yet.
I've posted a lot telling where and when we can meet and what my animal looks like. Please take buddying me into consideration.
-Major Majormajor