Saturday, November 20, 2010

Jam-A-Grams, Den Items, Clothing, and Jammer Update!

Heya Jammers!
To start off, I found a new Jam-A-Gram!
Also, there are two new den items:

And, one new clothing item:

It a hat if you couldn't tell...and, also, today I saw a Jammer Spotlight update:

Look at the first paw jot! (Dot jot, but with a paw. ;-)
'This just in--Animal Jam HQ is making a NEW WEBSITE! Stay tuned!'
Cool! I can't WAIT!
Also - a new newspaper!
One part caught my eye: more new clothes I haven't seen?

A...pilgrim hat?! O.....K.....odd choice of clothing I would say...
Also, I noticed a schedule at the back: what's a silly saturday?

Odd. Have any ideas what this could mean? Comment!
Happy Jamming!

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SacredGrove said...

I wasn't here for thanks giving either :'C. I was here for Christmas, though! Wish I could've seen you!
-Major Majormajor

SacredGrove said...

@ Fuzzy
I think a Silly Saturday is when you get a group of people together and act all random and do silly things. Hope this helps!
-Major Majormajor
(P.S) I was at a party for it once!