Saturday, October 23, 2010

Too much to title

Heya Jammers!
I'm excited to say, that I have found some new Phantom spots! 
They are ALL over - but so far I have only found them in water...wonder why?
Anyways. All of them are basically transport you to somewhere. All kinds of places!

Also, Today I checked out some new Halloween sayings! Take a peek -

So Yeah! The top 3 have more options to. Just scroll over them next time I'm on to see what I mean!

Also, As you probablly just saw, I got a change for Halloween!

Like it? It will only be for Halloween though. Otherwise, if there isn't a cool day coming up I will be plain little Fuzzy.

Then, there is a NEW DEN you can get:

All are for members, but look at the TREEHOUSE in the middle! I like that one. Unfortionatly, it's 4000 gems...

AND I think I will be starting a new FUNNY PICTURES page soon!
(All picture will be taken by me of course, please no stealing - it would show MY animal anyways!)
So keep checking for that!
Happy Jamming! Toodles!
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1 comment:

SacredGrove said...

So cool! I have a treehouse! Keep rocking, Fuzzy! TTYL!
-Major Majormajor