Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Heya Jammers!
Im sorry, but I won't be able to post for a little bit! I won't say why, but part of the reason is because of Thanks giving. Anyways, I just wanted to let you know of that. But I will be back again posting on Tuesday! Alrighty? So don't go away, and leave me with no viewers... I will post when I am back!

That means, my party will have to be finished! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! I was really looking forward to that! .... Darn... :-(
Im sorry, if you were planning on coming...Awww, nuts!

Blogger Templates


Anonymous said...

did you see the new jammer spotlight page? your poem made the page!!

youre so awesome! wtg!

Anonymous said...

im having trouble saving my banner. can u post it on your blog today and delete tommorow. thx -June17

SacredGrove said...

I've been posting on every of your stories I read, Fuzzy! Some more than once! Thanks for being so awesome (it must come natural for you you). I wonder if ive been posting 2 much.
-Major Majormajor