Heya Jammers!
You can also now win MORE new prizes at the gambling machine in the juice hut, like animal plushies!
Also, there are LOADS of new servers to choose from! Unfortunately, it has never ending loading for me...I hope you have more luck with it!
Sorry I'm kind of late with this, I've been sick all week, but
Jamaa has got some Valentine's decorations up to start!
Lot's of new Valentine's clothes!
Looks like they've brought back the star robe and the flower bracelet as well!
And, in the Jam Mart, where you buy your clothes, there is this pink symbol...
Click on it, and there is a vote.
It looks like this:
Wait a minute...Chamber of Knowledge? Coral Canyons? Mt.Shiveer, SHOPS?
Let's go check that out...
Wait a minute, in Mt.Shiveer, they just mean the Cocoa hut. BUT, in the back, you can buy a ton of arctic wear for the cold location! Looks like there is a poll in there to! Probably one in every location of Jamaa, maybe...?
Let's head to the chamber of knowledge....
Alright, go to the second story of the building, and at the very back, there are some new stairs right beside another pink poll icon...
If you don't know how to get to the Chamber of Knowledge, simply just go to the Temple of Zios and then head into the temple with the two Valentine's ribbons by the door.
Woahhh! Look at that shop! Looks like it sells more stuff for your den!
Take a look at what they've so far got in store. You can view it by clicking on any of the furniture items.
SO cool! I've gotta buy about 10 million of those giraffe statues...-.-
Now that you've checked out the place, go back outside and click on the poll icon right there.
Looks like the store needs a new name!
Once you're done voting, it disappears, so only 1 vote per jammer!
And, the new shop in the Coral Canyons...
It's up at that old resting area by the bridge! Looks like they sell a lot of ancient things, some new, some old.
Also...kind of random, but...
looks like in any of the water, you can take a quick dip...
My TV in my den FINALLY reaches more channels then just, 'the smoothie channel!'
And, of course, with every batch of new things comes more new furniture.
Wow, so many new things!
Also, TONS of new Jam-A-Grams...too many for me to even post. But this one's my favourite...
And with that, there are Valentine's stamps! 4 of them, for exact.
AND...with all this, of course, a new newspaper.
Nice and pink and red for Valentine's.
One page caught my eye: apparently, there are new movies in the theatre!
That has got to be THEE MOST stuff the HQ has EVER released...
What do you like best?
Happy Jamming!