Heya Jammers!
As Bella has already sayed, we are sorry that we can not post on time, but we have school and homework and are usally very busy in the real life. We are truely sorry and try our best to post the new updates as soon as possible.
Very sorry for not posting this weeks Rare Monday Item is the Rare Angal Mesh Helmet.
Very bright and outstanding colour AJHQ have decided to sell.
Now for the new items, I might have missed some from the parties but Bella, Fuzzy or I will post later.
You can now get a Sheriff Badge in Bahari Bargains at Bahari Bay.
In Jam Mart Clothing, you can now purchuse a Sun Necklace!
Over the past few days, I have been experiencing many glitches!
Here are some of the photos I have taken:
When I was playing Jamaa Derby, some weird things happened when I was playing.
At the start of the game, when the horses were walking up to the starting line, instead of walking, they were dancing! It was really werid...
When the game started, it got even werid because when we all ran, we didn't run we stood still!
I was jumping weridly too...
Has this ever happened to you before?
Another glitch was when I wanted to vist Jamaa Township. It was loading and fo some reason it suddenly stoped and when all black, but my account profile was still showing at the bottom of my screen!
Here is what it looked like:
Extremely wacky glitches I have been through...
Also I have notice that AJHQ have made an alert sign to show that you have been logged out.
And last of all, today when I was online, I recieved another message from AJHQ.
It told me if I have visted the new Cruise Ship Party yet but the party wasn't on till another hour.
Have you ever got a message from Animal Jam HQ before?
What did it say?
Happy Jamming!