Wednesday, June 20, 2012

New items & Beta days.

Heya Jammers!

There are two new items!

Those things are pretty pawsome!

Lots of Jammers have been saying that HQ has been bringing the beta times back. This includes beta rare items, beta decorations, and more.
I didn't know about Animal Jam until my friend, Cutelittlewolf1, told me about it in March, 2011 (I know her in real life.).
But I agree!
Some of the items that are coming back I haven't seen before.
Also, my internet is running low, so it might run out at anytime, therefore please don't get mad if I don't post. I won't be able to post until Monday, but on Monday I will post.
And this time, I definitely will post. Because I'm going to remind myself.
Happy Jamming!


nat4862 said...

Ya! I heard about AJ in the National Geographic for Kids magazine. Such a wonderful time :)

tinypanda2208 said...

hi flower tanks for posting if i get a chance ad know how to post i will try too foxes coming to jamaa also it's on the second page please check this out:)

Aubrey said...

I heard about Animal Jam from my neighbor. I went in her house and saw er playing it, and It looked cool so I wamted to try. My dad said no, (because I asked to use his email because I didnt hae one yet). Then the first thing I did when I got my own email was make an Animal Jam!

tinypanda2208 said...

ok now im really nevous on the subject. I have seen a lot of people with these picture taged on them is it on open url? well i am just really conserned.oh and i almost forgot tinypanda2208 is me :D oh and i almost forgot ( tinypanda2208)is my user on animal jam send me a message i will add you .even though my list is full

tinypanda2208 said...

also it said i posted at 8:01am it's 11:02am huh?

Anonymous said...

well yay the plan work you want to know the plan? well if you do read this ok i was in jamaa township and i heard a we want beta days fight some other said we don't want bet days back then the other 1 that day too so want to join?
ps please say your user if you want to join

Anonymous said...

Well ajhq are making it so great,(the beta days)I am getting confused!OH!and send me a buddy request!I'm julysweet!king of fire!so watch out!elwhen you are my buddy,(if you want to)you can join my fire clan to go against water clan!!!!!!!!!

Roseyicywolf said...


Plooy😝 said...

Hi how u get ur blog so awesome?

happygirl63260 said...

you haven't posted on monday

huntinbear said...

Bella -

Why do you keep breaking promises :(
You said you would post on monday and its already tuesday!!!!

Bella said...

@ Huntinbear.

Look, I am really sorry... but I didn't promise. I tried, but the internet wasn't working, and I have things going on in real life. I will post, but real life always comes before the internet.


Anonymous said...

Yea she trys her best huntinbear.

Katie Hamman said...

I love the flipflops, they're so cute!

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

What is your user?

Anonymous said...

i know you all think animal jam is fun, but you people should really try wizard 101. it is very fun, but a bit pricey but is so worth it. i have an account on both aj and w101.aj just gets so boring so give wizard 101 a try.

Anonymous said...

look me up pill22

Anonymous said...

The top 5 blogs are

$piritrosePlez said...

Are you going to go on AJ, Bella? It would be nice if you did because I miss you! Yes, you were on two days ago but I didn't see you! :)

-Skerrymalas- AKA Foxer

nat4862 said...

Hi Jammers! Cutelittlewolf1 here! I'm here to say please don't keep bugging Bella to post and that she's not posting. She just moved! Plus she's probably hanging out with her family and friends she hasn't seen in a long time. I hope u try to understand.

Geckoguy said...

AJR is a legendary blog. It was the first ever AJ blog. In 2010 everybody came here for AJ cheats. Now the most legendary and important AJ blog is left in the hands of two ammatures. And they don't realize it, but they are letting us down. Excuses don't matter.

Bella said...

@The person who commented before me.

You may not realize it, but you were just being a cyber bully. You just posted hurtful things about QAZAR and I. Imagine how it makes us feel.

I'm going through things in real life, like moving. People bullied me in real life, too, and I think I've had enough of it. It hurts when people say bad things about you.

And you know what? Pushing people down won't get you where you want to go. So I suggest that you keep your rude comments to yourself and maybe start your own blog.

Plus, you're sort of criticizing Fuzzy because she chose us "amatures" to write on her blog.

And to everyone who is about to post mean comments about QAZAR and I, keep it to yourself. We are human beings, and we have many things that are important to us besides the computer and the internet.

So please, be positive.


Anonymous said...

Yea I agree with YOU Bella!I'm julysweet and got bulided,I hated it! What if it was you!bella can we meet on aj?

huntinbear said...

I get what you are saying Bella. I tried to start up my own AJ blog, but I had a ton of stuff going on in real life. Well, not really, because it's summer now and school is out and I have nothing to do now..... But i get what you are feeling!

Unknown said...

try typing darren in chat, cool new glitch!

Unknown said...

try typing darren in chat, cool new glitch!

Geckoguy said...

Sorry if you were "insulted" but I was not bullying. When you applied to be an author you were saying you would try to post as much as possible.

Please, you and Qazar just instead of posting lengthy comments, take that time to post. Keep AJR as an active, don't you realize this blog is failing? All I'm asking you to do is put as much effort as you can into your blog. Other authors of top blogs post at 3 AM. At least try to work out some way to not let down the blog.

By the way, you weren't being very fair to me... people who know me know I'm not a bully.

Geckoguy said...

And please point out the "Hurtfull things" is said in that comment.

Geckoguy said...

Sorry if I sounded mean... D= I really don't mean to be, I really do respect that both of you have come so far. And I didn't mean an insult by calling you ammatures. I just meant you were new to the blogging business.

Anonymous said...

Isnt fuzzy geokoguys sister? uh oh sibling probs

Anonymous said...

I love this blog it is so cool! I don't mind if you don't post for a bit, because I mean, everyone has stuff going on in life! For example, I have tennis and violin and stuff and that is already hard enough! I know how you feel.

Geckoguy said...

No, I'm the friend of Fuzzy's brother. :P

Anonymous said...

aj sucks

Geckoguy said...

Why, thank you for sharing your kind thoughts! We are extremely delighted to hear that you hat Animal Jam! We love hearing your feedback, especially when you are so pleasant and thoughtfull about it!

Bella said...


Thank you for explaining. I wasn't saying that you were a bully, but I just felt hurt because I felt that you were acting like one (not that you were, because, well, I just misunderstood what you were saying. When you said that we were armatures, I was thinking that you meant we are bad at posting and we aren't good enough to be on Fuzzy's blog.).
Also, I thought that I explained (but I didn't) that I could only answer comments, because I only have my iPad, and that I cannot play AJ, and I forgot that I didn't explain so I thought that you were mad or something that I didn't bring my computer.

So, Imay not be able to post for about another week. I'm not sure about QAZAR's situation, though.

So, can we just put this aside and carry on? Thanks.


Geckoguy said...

Okay. But maybe you could try using computers at a library near you? I end up doing that alot.

Anonymous said...

Good job for explaining how you feel for geckoguy and bella. Its good to stick up for yourself. It got bullied to online and in real life. My sister on aj is so mean her user is puplab. In second grade I was bullied. Oh and like yesterday my frined sassed me! It just feels bad at that phase ya know

Have the BEST luck!,
Snowflake articcloud

Anonymous said...

animal jam SUCKS!!!

Geckoguy said...

Then leave.

Anonymous said...

i did it still sucks

Anonymous said...

aj is the worst pc game in the galaxy

nat4862 said...

Hi Jammers! This is Cutelittlewolf1 again saying please don't pressure Bella to post! I'm sure many of you are enjoying summer break and so is she! It's hard to work on a blog during the summer because you might just want to relax and enjoy summer. Also please stop saying you hate Animal Jam because if you really hate it don't look at a site that's ONLY about Animal Jam. I would appreciate it and Bella would if you would only write nice comments. Please don't comment if you have nothing good to say.

Anonymous said...

I think AJHQ is bringing back the beta days because people have been emailing them, and posting about it.

Anonymous said...

Please stop saying you hate animal jam. Your insulting the authors of this blog. If you have thoughts that can be mean keep them to yourself.btw this is snowflake articcloud. My google isn't working.

Anonymous said...

Please stop saying you hate animal jam. Your insulting the authors of this blog. If you have thoughts that can be mean keep them to yourself.btw this is snowflake articcloud. My google isn't working.

Anonymous said...

Whoops said that twice

huntinbear said...

Well, I kind of don't like this blog anymore. You guys always used to be so persistent and post every day. There are a ton more animal jam blogs out there, better than this. Im sorry, but i am switching to a different AJ blog. BYE PEEPS!


QAZAR said...


Heya Jammers!

I'm really sorry about me not posting, my Internet was turned off for a few days which meant I could not post which I am very upset about because most of you Jammers are being rude to me and Bella about not posting on time which we truely try our best but it seems you guys don't see the point of us trying and be rude and mean. Especially you Jammers saying this blog sucks and you moving onto a different blog.

Its really upsetting to see you Jammers leave. This means that if you all leave, there is not point in us posting anymore and having us to quit the blog and never to be seen again.

If this keeps going on, I may quit next year because you rude Jammers can not keep your comments to yourself and also that this blog is getting less viewed and commented too.

I feel so sorry for Fuzzy because she must feel bead about leaving and must think we are doing a bad job. But we have reasons. We have other lifes other than the computer and Animal Jam.

I hope you guys all read this.


Autumn/Autumnbunnyxo said...

Haha yes! I heard TopHats and worns are coming out as well!


Anonymous said...

Ok. thats is it if you and bella don't stop posting i am leaving FOREVER and then i am going to a differ blog and NEVER EVER look at this blog again. so i dont think i am sorry for you and bella

Autumn/Autumbunnyxo said...


Okay, would you all STOP the rude commenting about Bella and QAZAR not posting? It's stupid and if you people spend your lives on this blog, you must not have one outside the computer.

QAZAR and Bella are doing their very best to make all you haters and lovers alike happy! I know them both on Animal Jam; They're amazing people! I think this was the reason Fuzzy left; The rude comments! The haters! The comments saying: "This blog is so stupid! You guys never post anymore! I'm moving on to a different blog!" Though those are not the EXACT words people use, it may as well be. These haters accuse Bella, Fuzzy, and QAZAR for not posting THE DAY an item comes out. THATS stupid. Not the blog. Not the people. The BEGGING is stupid.

They have been trying to keep you ungrateful haters happy! And you STILL complain! They have actual LIVES! Even though it's summer, they have other things to do! So PLEASE stop the rude commenting! Thank you!


Autumn/Autumnbunnyxo said...

@Anonymous (2 comments above)

Okay, what the heck man? Bella and QAZAR try VERY hard to make snobby beggers like you happy! And you STILL complain! I'm sick of it and so are they! It's people like you who made Fuzzy leave!

Autumn/Autumnbunnyxo said...

@Anonymous (2 comments above)

Okay, what the heck man? Bella and QAZAR try VERY hard to make snobby beggers like you happy! And you STILL complain! I'm sick of it and so are they! It's people like you who made Fuzzy leave!

Anonymous said...

i feel sorry for you guys i know how you feel iwatch the movie cberbully and talor almost killed her self it was all started when her brother hacked to her account!


Anonymous said...



QAZAR said...

@ All

Thank you to the NICE people for supporting us againest these rude Jammers who are commenting rude and mean things about me and Bella. We really try our best with posting. I am working on another post right now.



Anonymous said...

delete this comment cry baby

Anonymous said...

i like the people on this blog but hate aj

Anonymous said...

Well that's good to know except the part that you hate animal jam. Qazar I'm snowflake articcloud typing this please don't delete this comment anoymous needs to know btw my google isn't working again.

mutantfrillybunny said...

Hi Vivacandy! I'm sorry if people are being mean to you on the blog. I love your blog. I don't have time to play AJ that much anyways, so your posting pace is perfect. Hey, how do you post screenshots? (Can you buddy me? I'm the black bunny, asonansce.)

Anonymous said...

Sorry about people being mean. You don't deserve it at all!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Bella, come to my bloging. my blog is called

Anonymous said...

thanks bella for responding!!!

Wolfy said...

Hi! :) I'm Wolfy! (although i would rather have a fox on aj >.< their so cute but i'm not a member! ;( ) I love your blog, but i am not that interested in being friends on animaljam that much because i mostly play wizard101 amd wolfquest :)

Wolfy said...

why do you say that???? i did nothing! :'( geez, ppl are so mean!

Wolfy said...

:'( y r u so mean???

Wolfy said...

PLEASE STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( and apparently ur just sitting there (as am i) because everytime i comment, u reply almost instantly! anyways y r u being so mean 2 me?

Azhura said...


Could you stop adding rude comments now? It's so rude. Other people will thinking you're mean.


Don't teasing people's name, because every name is special.
Do you want your name teased? Of course not. So don't tease people's name!

Btw, Long time no see Bella :)
- azhura123

Azhura said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wolfy said...

Ok... I'm sorry Florgy.

Wolfy said...

I HATE MY LIFE! EVERYBODY EXCEPT MY BFFLSF (best friend for life sisters forever) AND MY CAT AND MY PAPA HATES ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AllRiseSilver said...

Um...Bella, I think you need to go through these comments and delete a few, 'cause someone can't control their language...Guys, (cough !Florgy! cough) it's not nice to curse. .-.

Awesome blog, btw :)

Anonymous said...

Beta- items you cant buy any more. (dose not say rare)
Beta in my opinion is a silly word but any way.... when an item DOSE NOT say RARE they will come back sooner or later....
Kacey0805 :P

Shadow said... you guys even care about the drama going on here lol.