Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Heya, Jammers!

I'm really sorry.
I guess that's all I can say.
I mean, I haven't posted. You got that.
I keep having exudes, and I did keep my promise to post on the 18th of September. But, have you ever thought about growing up? I'm getting older, and so is QAZAR, and I guess we lost interest a little. But, most importantly, we have our lives. Last year, I had time to post. But now, with more school work in a higher grade, I have no time. Believe me, I loved posting. All of these rude comments, hatred with every one, is this what A.J is really about? And I really feel bad about this. But Fuzzy ShyIvy would want us to do the best for this blog. I may come back this summer, but I am not promising. I don't know about QAZAR, but I think he will post around then, too.

Happy Jamming!



Geckoguy said...

Well I guess you never promised to keep posting. But the only reason I'm not posting on Fuzzy's brother's blog is because he left it with a bad template and comment moderation. If you could just make time by finishing homework early, and getting up early to post, this blog could get really popular again. Oh well, Fuzzy left the blog with you guys, not us.

Anonymous said...

G€π€®@| √°πw°|F said...

This is the first time I've seen this site in a while, but seeing this, posted today, just makes me wish I'd supported you sooner. I remember the first time I saw this site, after you stopped posting that one time. Then, you came back! I loved this blog and for a while it was the only one I ever saw, then I met MisterArcticClaw, if I told the story of that, this post would take forever. But back to this, I've always loved the effort you and your authors have put here and I respect your decision.

Lillilou22 said...

DX.... Are you gonna be off AJ too? :C I supposed you could hire new writers... right?
I'm gonna miss you Bella

Bella said...

Don't worry! I will be on AJ sometimes.
Thank you for supporting, you know that I have other stuff in my hands right now!


Bella said...

Don't worry! I will be on AJ sometimes.
Thank you for supporting, you know that I have other stuff in my hands right now!


Anonymous said...

hey gecko stop being a JERK!!!!! QAZER and Bellanatalie102 work hard, and all blogs have to end SOMEDAY! And Bella is right, if you love Animal Jam so much that you will hut other people's feelings, you may need to see a docter for a case of C-R-A-Z-Y! It is just a game, and you really do need to GROW UP!!! Keeping a blog is truly HARD! Please be nice!!!


Anonymous said...

HEY GECKO!!!!! GROW UP! If you are going to be rude over a game, you may need to see a docter for a case of the C-R-A-Z-Y-S!!! She is right, keeping a blog is HARD!!!
If it is "soo easy" then you have one. I would love to see your EPIC FAIL! sorry i am being SNAPY! ;)
All blogs have to end someday... Maybe todays the day.


Geckoguy said...

Um... why did you comment the same thing twice? Anyway, I do have a blog. And it's not a fail, it's one of the most popular active blogs for AJ. I was just asking if they could give a little more effort not to let the blog die. I wasn't being rude, you are.

Geckoguy said...

By the way, this isn't Bella's blog... Why does everyone think that?

HailFire9000 said...

Wow.... I can think back 1 year ago and I think of LoveLost`s blog, SandStorm68`s blog,This blog, and many other great blogs that went from the best blog around, to nothing, because they(and me) grew up.

zoocage said...

Flower, I have only met you on animal jam, but you are a really good friend. Whatever your future brings, never ever get discouraged by mean comments. Some people just get pleasure out of hating of others. Do not take it personally.

I will miss the blog. I love it so much, I will miss you just like how I miss Fuzzy. But you did the right thing. You stopped a lot of hate from coming your way, and you put all the rumours to rest.

I do, however, think you should somehow get Fuzzy to hear about this. She is never on AJ anymore, so try telling her brother. Maybe she could get a couple authors to patch things up while you and QAZAR catch up with your school work etc. I know how hard it can be to get a blog famous, this one has so much potential.

I wish you the best, and Merry Christmas.

Geckoguy said...

I really new TheSlidoo (Fuzzy's brother) more than anyone elso here, I was his head author. He is just too busy with school, and he said Fuzzy lost interest. I know how to contact him, but it woudn't be fair to say it here. But I'm hoping one of them will be back for Christmas break, or if not Summer.

zoocage said...

Yeah, gecko guy. I really want fuzzy to come back, but honestly I do not care when. I just miss her so much. ): I missed bella too.
P.S I like your blog! You should go on mine.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry.I was one of the ride ones.Now,I just feel bad.Becuz of me your going.Im sorry and I really mean it.Atleast if you do leave,can you give someone else a chance to be an author?



Anonymous said...

Awww, Goodbye FuzzyShyIvy

P.S. I am not playing Animaljam that much anymore on this account, So I will not be online on this account for a long time.


Snowflake Arcticcloud said...

Dear Bella,
Hi its snowflake. I will miss this blog and I hope to see you on Aj again soon. This is life. The new year starts with new beginnings.

Goodbye Animal Jam Rush,
Snowflake Arcticcloud

Bella said...


Hey. I haven't been posting, but sometimes I check back at the comments.
Geckoguy, please, stop pressuring me to post. I respect you and your blog, but please stop. I have had a family emergency, and I am still gettting over it. But, thank you everybody else who supports me!

Happy new year!


Anonymous said...

Dont leave Fuzzy! We want you to stay!

Dr56 said...

...first LoveLost,then WolfRock,now this,its just sad.Growing up is horrible.I personally miss being a kid.I hope you understand that one day if you blog again,you still have your fans

Anonymous said...

Please don't leave, enough bloggers are quiting. First, lovelost and now you,this is not good.

Anonymous said...

CRYS I L-L-L-LOVED THIS BLOG!!! Thanks for helping me with animal jam bella your FANTASTIC!!! I cant believe it almost EVERY blog is gone

goodbye Animal Jam Rush :,(

zoocage said...

Who ever said this was the worst blog ever I am so mad at you right now. I love this blog it is amazing and let's see you do any better.

GreenLeafs said...



Unknown said...

Well since you quit, can you advertise for our blog? We're trying our hardest to make it great!


Enchanted Snowyrose said...

Well it looks like it's time for new authors!

Geckoguy said...

Bella and Qazar are only authors. They cannot edit the blog, or hire new authors.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


Dragonessclaws101 said...

Goodbye, Fuzzy. Your blog was pretty much the first one I've ever seen. Your blog has put a smile on my face and more knowledge about Jamaa into my head. I will miss you, but I completely understand quitting. It is time to move on. Even though I have never met you, I wish you success in a wonderful new future.
My sincere goodbyes,

Anonymous said...

Hi I really like this blog, I was on google looking for blogs and this one came up!

Also I think we should tell jamaa we need more flags in the flag shop! There are many flags, but there are many really interesting countries out there in the world! Help spread the word make a difference!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

NOOOOOOOOOO! DON'T LEAVE US!!!!!!!!! I DON'T WANT TO FIND ANOTHER BLOG!!!!!!! WAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

whoops sorry i repeated those last two comments

Geckoguy said...

I was answering a comment. Next time you feel like yelling try singing the National Anthem in your yard.

zach94 said...

I understand, Fuzzy and QUZAR. It is tough getting older, and looking back on all these good years spent working and playing in jamaa. I totally understand, and I have your backs if you guys ever need anything, especially if its 7th Grade calculus. I am dont with college, which may seem weird and untrue, I would like to take over your blog anytime your done with it for good. Please consider this offer, since I have so much freetime these days.

Geckoguy said...

Wow. Nobady even knows who this blog belongs to. Bella and Qazar are only authors. Fuzzy ShyIvy owns this blog. Bella an Qazar cannot add authors. So stop asking! It's frustrating. This blog is dead, I doubt it will ever be active again. But who knows, som day Fuzzy might come back again.

For now have fun creating your own blog. Fuzzy worked to give this blog popularity. You guys should do the same with your own blogs, I know a lot of you are.

panthera said...

Thats too bad. I hope pople keep enjoyng the website. Happy Jamming!

Anonymous said...

You should give this blog away. After all of the hard work, and with the blog still popular, you should have someone else that has time on their hands to take over. I know you have Fuzzy, Qazar, and you, but since they can't do it, why just throw away all the hard work?

MisterChunkybuddy said...

Well, I guess all big blogs have to end sometime. maybe Fuzzy will come back soon. She did a great break a while ago and then came back. But look at the good side: When the owner of a big blog gets tired and stops blogging, then little blogs have a chance to become great blogs.
About a year ago, I started my own blog as blogging seemed like fun to me, and I love blogging and I wont quit for a long time. But i suppose that when I get tired of the blog, I will just do a Goodbye post, like Bella has, maybe a goodbye party and I would hire new authors.
I know Bella and QAZAR cannot add new authors as they are authors, not admins, and fuzzy is the admin but she quited.
but really probably, when Fuzzy comes back, maybe in summer, she will hire new authors.
Sorry if I bored you with that.

panthera said...

Yay! Thanks flower!

Reddy said...

:'''( I want this blog to keep going! D: It was here when i started AJ (in february 2011) it was like the only 1!

Anonymous said...

:( i love ur blog, and i would like u to post as often as Feelers. i can't stand to visit this blog and see that there are no new posts for months at a time. i don't want to give up trying. please-keep posting.

Anonymous said...

Awesome! By the way, i found this cool website that shows a NEW way to gain gems quick! It actually works, i started with 2134 gems and now i have 34643 !


Anonymous said...

This is why i hate people from jamaa these days. I wish jamaa would change :( ....

Anonymous said...

............................................................................................................................... did you know this is the first blog i found? i only go on 2 this one and another so...... im realy sad about this right now but i hope the 2nd blog i go on does not end any time soon... bye! Ps: my username is caleb096 if anyone wants to add me on aj..

Reddy said...

Reply to anonymous who posted in february 18, 2013 1:07 PM: I know right?

SnowflakeDemon said...

Oh well. It happens, right? I was wondering how long some of these AJ blogs could go on for before dying.

Well, all nice thoughts aside, this means there will be less competition... Heh. Heh.

LightningWolf12345 said...

I hope you come back this summer!

Anonymous said...

Me feel so sorry for you, even if me new to dis blog. If it's not a pinky promise, me surely understand. Hope you come back soon :(! I will make a promise though to explore this blog! My username on Animal Jam is ilovecutechihuahuas

Unknown said...

Please come back fuzzy you were a beta player you could be famous! All jammer who know about you want to meet you and hear your stories from the beta times. You could be as popular as snowyclaw. You are famous bit not popular any more as you arent on animal jam. At least tell us if you have a new account.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Bella! You have to keep on playing animal jam.

Anonymous said...

same :3

AshMagic11 said...

Hi Bella, I really miss Fuzzy. I'm going to really try to start my own blog so I can make this one live on, but I dont know. I am your biggest fan 4ever.

~ BlossomShiverStar

Pumaa said...


PK Feelz said...

Wow...I have been going to this blog for a year...and now it's almost dead. It's just QAZAR left, but we don't know where he is.

Also, there is STILL a chance that Fuzzy might come back. I still have confidence that she'll come back. Let's just get our hopes up that Fuzzy will come back to this blog! :)