
New to Jamaa? Have questions that NEED ANSWERING? Not new at all, but left confused about all the techniques?
This, is your ULTIMATE game guide!
Your Tool Bar
Let's start off viewing the basics. All the gadgets, buttons and tools at the bottom when you log onto AJ (Animal Jam) are all very important. They control your emotes, speaking, gear, and more important stuff!
Here is how you use the chat bar, located in the bottom of your screen. Each arrow leads to a number...
(Click on the image to view it larger!)
  1. You! Click on it to change your looks and costume.
  2. Your animals! You can buy a new animal to change into it!
  3. Your actions!
  4. Your emotes!
  5. Your chat menu options!
  6. Your chat bar - you can only type messages if you have a parent account!
  7. Your house! Home sweet home!
  8. The sound...mute the music if you want!
  9. And finally, the map.
Game Gadgets
So, that is how you use the tool bar. Next up, we have a post about the gadgets at the top left hand corner of the screen.
  1. The postcard symbol is how you send postcards to Jammers! They are called Jam-A-Grams. You can select different postcard styles, different messages, stamps, and you can even send presents to everyone for FREE!
  2. The waving pals are the symbol to go to for your buddy list. There you can find online buddies, and even see how many you friends you have!
  3. The newspaper icon is what you click to view the newspaper!
  4. The golden trophy shows your achievements. I will talk about achievements later on, so keep reading!
  5. And finally, scroll over the colourful gems to see how many gems (money) you have to buy things!
Your Map
Next, let's talk about the places on your map!!
If you don't remember how to get to your map, look UP in the post! I talked about it earlier.

Click on the image to view it larger.
I did it colour coded!
  1. The YELLOW arrow points to the Sarepia Forest. This is where you will find the movie theater, as well as a campfire with Jamaa spirits, and some really great games!
  2. The RED arrow points to the Coral Canyons. This is where you will find the art center, as well as cool games and a bridge that breaks! This is a great place to explore.
  3. The PURPLE arrow points to the Crystal Sands. This is a cheery, beachy place with tall cliffs, a beautiful blue ocean and the famous juice hut. There are some jamtastic games there!
  4. The PINK arrow points to the Temple of Zios. Here, it is full of temples and old ruins. It has tons of neat games, and something frightening happens near the old center statue...
  5. The BLACK arrow points to the Jamaa Township. This is where you start off! Here, you can visit Mira's statue, shop for clothing or furniture, dance the night away at Club Geoz, go to the pillow room, or even to the vet if you're feeling down. There are some cool games here as well!
  6. The GREEN arrow points to your home sweet home! You can buy den items from there to, or even shop for a new, bigger den if you're a member.
  7. The BLUE arrow is SUPPOSED to be showing Mt.Shiveer, but the picture is quite dated and does not show it. In Mt.Shiveer, you can create your own hot cocoa creations in the Hot Cocoa Hut, ride down the ice slide, and visit the HIGHEST point of Jamaa!
Player Cards
Now let's talk about the player card!

You can view anyone's player card by clicking on their name or going into your buddy list to get your friends' player card. 
There, you can see the player's animal.  At the top of the player card, on the blue or gold bar, depending whether the player is a member or non-member, shows their user name.
UNDER the animal says the ANIMAL'S name, and beside it, shows a little animal symbol with an arrow. If you click on it when the player/friend is online, you will automatically move to the room they're in.
Beside that is a small blue animal button. If you click on it, you can see all of their animals they have bought.
Above that is the same animal symbol, but bigger with a red strike through it. You can click this to add the player to your ignore list.
Above that is the den symbol. You can click it to visit their den!
Above THAT, the giant green button with the X and the animal is how to delete this person if they're your buddy. If the player is NOT your buddy, this symbol will have a green check mark, and you can click it to send a friend request to the jammer.
Below that is the jam-a-gram symbol. Click it to send them a postcard, and even a present if you wish!
And, below THAT, is where you can report the player to an Animal Jam moderator.
And, finally, under THAT, is the achievement symbol. There you can view all of the player achievements.

Let's talk about one of the MAIN features of Jamaa. Achievements!
In the top left corner on Animal Jam you will see all of your Game Gadgets. Click on the golden trophy to view your achievements! Achievements are up and ready for you to give to your animal a boost! If you don't know what I mean, take a look here.
See? I got that JUST for sending a Jam-A-Gram to a buddy! You can get these Achievements for doing every day simple tasks. E.G, playing a game, being added as a friend, and even spending gems!
When you receive an achievement, you can simply view it by clicking the gold trophy icon in the top left hand corner of your screen. If you can't see it, it looks like this:

Yup. Just like that. But if you want to view another Jammer's achievements, click the small gold trophy at the bottom of their player card! (You can see their player card by clicking on their name, which is shown underneath the animal!)
Just start walking around Jamaa and exploring, and you're SURE to get some!
A FULL list of most of the achievements can be viewed HERE.

I think the best thing to do now is just to explore! New updates you won't want to miss will be posted on the home page here, so check daily for new things!
Happy Exploring, and Jam On!


Anonymous said...

Do you know how to be a GUIDE??? please tell me i really wish i could be one i want to help!!

Anonymous said...

plz i wanna be a mod!!!

Anonymous said...

You cant be a guide, because all of the job openings are filled. Sorry. But being a guide isn't all it's cracked up to be. You don't have a den and you have to spend all your time helping people, but it would be an interesting experience.
-SacredGrove aka Major Majormajor

Anonymous said...

Fuzzy Shyivy, I am a big fan and I was wondering, if it was no prob then we could be buddies or somethin.' Just to be friends. I'm sorry I wasn't at your party, it's just that i just recently found this blog. But i would love to be friends if you it's ok with you. Whenever I'm sad or mad I'll tell you
why. Also, I'll post a lot on this blog, and check on you a lot. I'll be a good friend, if you're willing to meet me at Tigris in the Pillow Room.
-SacredGrove aka Major Majormajor

Lin :) said...

Hiya *idk ur animal name* Fuzzy I just LOVE ur website...oops... not supposed to comment gets u in a bad mood I no

Anonymous said...

if uer user is cool4eva or anything with shaufu and were there at the fight stared by blossom berryclaw idk her user and she said that i asid4 had said that she had a boy name (that was not true of wat she said) on the day 3 may 2012 please report her if u where there she made me almost quite aj on that day and please report her even if u are her freind ps. shes a SCAMMER!!!! my user is asid4 if need contact mail me on aj

Anonymous said...

and im a big fan of uers fuzzy shyivy !!!! im sorry i had to alarm u about that old scrapy girl called blossom berryclaw

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if I can use ultimate game card on aj

Anonymous said...

can you use 2 ultimate game cards to buy membership on aj?

Anonymous said...

hi umm about the diamond shop do you get diamonds if you dance there